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liomem's picture


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Old man shouts at clouds's picture
UH OH...is AB/DC/whatever

UH OH...is AB/DC/whatever back again?

liomem's picture
Haha I'm Adonis .. Fine I'm

Haha I'm Adonis .. Fine I'm gonna change it for you

CyberLN's picture
Adonis, you wrote, “Politics

Adonis, you wrote, “Politics is complicated surly but we shouldn't be dogmatic we should think rationally about everything That's what I think It defines us as an Atheists !! That's it .. Give it to me guys , Argue with me ..”

So, you want people who have only a lack of belief in god(s) to start thinking and behaving according to what you think is right? That sounds JUST like a religious preacher.

liomem's picture
Absolutely not , How did you

Absolutely not , How did you come with this conclusion ?? No I didn't say " you should be conservative or liberal ,etc " .. Choose whatever you want but don't deal with it religiously .. And I literally said " That's what I think It defines us as an atheists " We're the people who always debate in a rational way with everything from the concept of god to the stupid rituals and when It comes to the politics we immediately turning to be dogmatic like all of the other religious people ..In the end of the sentence I didn't mean the opposite No I just said let's debate about it It's not a dogma for me ...

SecularSonOfABiscuitEater's picture
Adonis you should probably

Adonis you should probably consider using the word "we" less. It is really inaccrate.

NewSkeptic's picture
I'll never get back the time

I'll never get back the time it took me to read that mess.

David Killens's picture


"For example If you insult Jesus in a church ! You gonna be in trouble .. Probably they gonna catch you and punish you by laws , There is laws for those kind of behavior"

Not where I live. I could make up a sign "Jesus likes anal sex", go downtown (I live in a city with a population over 2.5 million) stand on the most prominent road crossing waving that sign ... and ... absolutely nothing would happen to me. If I walked into a religious ceremony at our largest church with that sign, all they could do is ask me to leave.

Just because I have a lack of belief in any god, that does not indicate jack-shit about anything more. It does not influence my politics, daily habits, or bowel movements.

algebe's picture
@David Killens: I could make

@David Killens: I could make up a sign "Jesus likes anal sex", go downtown

In some jurisdictions you could be prosecuted under "hate speech" laws. Muslims in particular have succeeded in conflating criticism of Islam with racism by screaming about "Islamophobia". Christians have so far been too busy spouting their own brand of hate speech to start playing that particular victim card, but watch this space. This is a disturbing threat to free speech.

LostLocke's picture
For example If you insult

For example If you insult Jesus in a church ! You gonna be in trouble .. Probably they gonna catch you and punish you by laws , There is laws for those kind of behavior

Where I live there are no laws for insulting Jesus. And any law that was attempted to be passed would be shot down quickly.
If I enter a church and start doing that, I can be asked to leave. If I don't leave and/or start causing other problems, I can be arrested. It's not for insulting Jesus though, it would be for trespassing or destruction of property or something like that. It's the church's building/property, and I fully support their right to protect it. I *don't* support them trying to pass laws to "protect" their Jesus character though.

dogalmighty's picture
Well, I would like to argue

Well, I would like to argue with you...but there is nothing to argue. Atheism, is not believing in a god or gods. That's it. A personal choice made by individuals who reason their choice thru available proof or truth, or likely possibilities. There is no doctrine, book or master ideology that directs atheistic people. I may believe in altruistic behavior, whereas Cog may think my efforts are a waste of time. Our dynamics differentiate us as distinctly individual...because we are not bound by a religion or extensive belief system...we are only bound by our choice not to believe in a god. I think you assume that atheism is a counter religion...its not.

arakish's picture
First, define "brainwashed

First, define "brainwashed atheists."


Sheldon's picture
I'm failing to see what

I'm failing to see what atheism has to do with it? Unless you're claiming atheism causes people to be brainwashed, and I can't see how this is the case. It's like claiming people who don't like sports are brainwashed, or people who don't collect stamps can be intolerant, whilst I have no doubt we could find examples, I fail to see that this tells us anything about people who dislike sports, or who don't collect stamps.

Bob Lawson's picture


"My problem when I found a dogmatic atheists !! But our dogmas are different We're not religious !! But we also have a specific ideas that we don't allow our criticism to go with it especially in politics"

Bang on Adonis! To take your point on politics, I haven't taken a poll, but most atheists I've encountered seem to have a huge hate on for Trump. This is peculiar because before he entered politics the Left fawned over him, yet Trump is the same guy now, with the same opinions, as he was twenty years ago. What's changed? Well damn, now he's a registered Republican and he's got himself the largest audience he's ever had. Good on him! He's living the American dream!

"For example If you insult Jesus in a church ! You gonna be in trouble .. Probably they gonna catch you and punish you by laws , There is laws for those kind of behavior .."

As was pointed out above, it is not for insulting Jesus, but for trespassing and causing a public disturbance they'd get you, and rightly so! No one has any business waltzing into a church service and disrupting proceedings. Such behaviour is uncivilized. It is uncivilized to behave that way in any venue, whether it be a church service, or a talk on stage given by Milo.

"Our thinking shouldn't be dogmatic or we gonna be the same as any religious fundamentals ..."

Technically I think you are right about this, but the problem of course is that those who are dogmatic probably don't recognize that fact. ISIS members are clearly thinking dogmatically, but those guys just think they are right. Take the Collins Dictionary definition of dogmatic: "If you say that someone is dogmatic, you are critical of them because they are convinced that they are right, and refuse to consider that other opinions might also be justified." Now consider those with a hate on for Trump, those guys also think they are right and refuse to consider that those supporting the President might have some justification for their decision. Here I am speaking of those with Trump Derangement Syndrome, dogmatists who lack the innate ability to discus rationally and who'd rather just fall to their knees and scream insanely into the sky, or who rant and shake Trigglypuff style. Yes, clearly there are those on the Left who are dogmatic in their thinking. My question is, are these people also atheists? If yes, then I think we may have nailed down what it is you are talking about Adonis. Have you uncovered politically dogmatic thinking among atheists?

LogicFTW's picture
@Bob L

@Bob L

I disliked tRump long before he ran. I saw 2 minutes of his show once, and saw the guy was ridiculous, I don't really consider myself far left, but plenty of folks have accused me of such. So since I disliked trump long before he ran for presidency or ran republican that makes me not far left anymore? Works for me.

Trump was also part of the birther movement, hard to consider him "left" then. (Also another strike against tRump in my mind long before he actually ran for presidency.)

Still blows me away that anyone considers tRump to be some sort of business genius. He performed so poorly many american and european banks refused to loan money to him.

How does one manage to bankrupt a casino? A licence to print money by ripping off people that do not understand basic statistics.

Peurii's picture
It's super easy to bankrupt a

It's super easy to bankrupt a casino. Just give me one, and I'll run it down in a week.

LogicFTW's picture

Hah! True. We all could, just make every visitor have their "luckiest" day ever.

Course trump "made" the casino and his intent the whole time was to make it highly profitable. Typically the hard part is building and getting the licencing for casinos not running one. As again, lots of people that do not understand statistics that others have even done the work of figuring out, are pretty much: "here is my money, take it!" as a trade, to play a rather simple game, whether it is slots or card games etc.

Bob Lawson's picture


"I disliked tRump long before he ran. I saw 2 minutes of his show once, and saw the guy was ridiculous..."

I had no opinion on Trump before he ran and I had no interest in his game show (if there's no naked girls I'm not interested :) ); but what I have noticed is that the same Hollywood set who detests him now rubbed shoulders with him back then (Oprah stands out in my mind though there are others). And frankly many of the issues he glommed onto during the campaign he did talk about many year earlier (the Chinese issue being one). I certainly support his moving the US embassy to Jerusalem. Every President made that promise in recent years, but only Trump delivered. The economy has done better under him and all he had to do was eliminate regulations that stood in the way of growth. More African Americans and Hispanics employed than ever before. No one seems to deny those statistics. There have been positive turn of events coming from this administration but the biased left leaning media remains silent.

I started making my swing to the Right in 2015 and it was largely the result of the silence of the media on certain issues and their obvious overall bias that turned me. I am uncertain whether I would have voted for Trump in 2016, had I been able, but I was certainly highly amused the night he won.

LogicFTW's picture
@Bob L.

@Bob L.

I had no opinion on Trump before he ran and I had no interest in his game show (if there's no naked girls I'm not interested :)

Hah! Well you can find naked pictures of his wife, does that count?

The economy has done better under him and all he had to do was eliminate regulations that stood in the way of growth.

Very debatable, especially with an ambiguous term like "better." Economy has certainly done worse the last 2-3 months or so as well.

silence of the media on certain issues and their obvious overall bias that turned me.

What issues come to mind for you if you do not mind sharing? I probably do not need to tell you, but there is certainly media bias over on the "right" side as well. Fox news, infowars, breitbart etc definitely could also easily be accused of bias just like the left leaning media organizations.

I do certainly will not deny that a much greater portion of media is left leaning rather then right leaning.

And I will also certainly say the hyper rich super wealthy and powerful are: laughing all the way to the bank while the bulk of people are squabbling over who is correct, left or right. I would categorize trump more than anything, as a massive distraction for both the people on the left and the right, while a small group of people continue to rob the other 99% while everyone is distracted. "Divide and conquer" comes to mind.



I am an atheist that always likes a good debate
Please include @LogicFTW for responses to me
Tips on forum use. ▮ A.R. Member since 2016.

Sky Pilot's picture
Bob L.,

Bob L.,

" More African Americans and Hispanics employed than ever before. No one seems to deny those statistics. There have been positive turn of events coming from this administration but the biased left leaning media remains silent."

I don't see why Trump should get any credit for more blacks and Hispanics being employed when he personally has never employed more than one or two black people and he only employed illegal aliens. Society has been changing for decades and flushing out the people who resisted hiring blacks and Hispanics.

David Killens's picture
I refuse to be identified by

I refuse to be identified by the party I voted for.

Trump is not the disease, but rather the symptom of flaws in the US political system and the nation itself.

It pains me to point out anything this negative involving my dear friends and neighbors in the USA, so I apologize beforehand.

When you have a system that can be bought out by the very rich and allow them to enforce their desires, when you have too many ignorant and uninformed citizens, and when you are allowed just one of two choices, the end result is Trump.

FOX has an unhealthy influence on US politics. CNN has an unhealthy influence on US politics. MSNBC has an unhealthy influence on US politics. They are no longer reporting just the news, but rather extending the personal dogma of their true owners (Murdoch, Turner, and Roberts).

When Pepsi and Coke had their "Cola Wars" in advertising, it was more than just two industrial giants battling for supremacy, it was about wiping out any others. The same with the Democrats and Republicans. The only thing they definitely agree on is that a third party or candidate is unacceptable. The end result is that the citizens can choose between just one of two choices, both sour and corrupt.

Both parties are firmly entrenched in the corridors of power. In a nation that exercises a multi party system (such as Canada and the UK) if a political party mismanages or goes off in a radical direction, they can be obliterated in the next election. I mean, cease to exist. If one of the two parties in the USA does the same, the worst that happens is four years before they have another swing at the ball.

Ask yourself, how can the greatest con-man since jesus, who comes out of the shark tank of New York businessmen, leverage his way to the Oval office?

Sky Pilot's picture
David Killens,

David Killens,

"Ask yourself, how can the greatest con-man since jesus, who comes out of the shark tank of New York businessmen, leverage his way to the Oval office?"

When you run for president of the US you have to sell the idea that you will give the people what they want. Trump was successful in doing that.

Sky Pilot's picture
AOC explains the American

AOC explains the American Congressional and Presidential political system with a series of questions = http://www.newser.com/story/271115/aoc-lightning-round-video-on-ethics-g...

If you want to play the game and win you need to know the rules.

Cognostic's picture
Adonis: You are confusing

Adonis: You are confusing atheism with all sorts of other shit. Atheism is simply not believing in God or Gods. It has nothing what so ever to do with political ideologies.

"But we also have a specific ideas that we don't allow our criticism to go with it especially in politics , For example I've met some Arabic atheists " believe " in nationalism"

It makes no difference why they chose their political ideology. "Nationalism" is not "Atheism."

Next you are confusing atheism with skepticism. Not all atheists are skeptics. You have some strange idea about what an atheist is. An atheist is simply a person that does not believe in God or Gods. This says nothing at all about their political leanings, sexual orientation, bizarre beliefs in other areas, or their ability to be skeptical.

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