EVES sin

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Scott's picture
EVES sin

Eve had sex with Satan in Eden and his seed was played enmity on between Adams (Abel) and the devils (Cain) ...not a piece of magical fruit... (word of man, not God)... We're in our 2nd Earth age, which will be given forth to the 3rd and final. We are here, without memory, to prove our devotion. Its a war. Our word teaches us to prepare our christian armor to speak against the false messiah to come, the (falling away) before the birth of our Saviours new age. There will be no flying away in the sky... for tribulation is a meer threshold before the second coming of Christ. Our new Jerusalem. Love and truth and hope and faith and goodness be with you and your family for ever and ever and always through our Holy redeemer. AMEN.

Rise above the sinful nature of the flesh. We have been born again before our Lord Almighty and shall be humble in our service unto him. Let not the word of man and mans traditions become the stumbling block of our salvation. Glory be to Christ Jesus, our Holy word that became flesh and walked among us, of whom we've condemned in our ignorance and vanities. May we pray for the flourishing of his almighty righteousness to lay down His Holy Spirit upon our truthful yearning... As it shall fill our souls with rememberce and bow us in His Holy presence to recieve, not only forgiveness, but everlasting light from his seed lay shaking amidst the very souls given us from Him. The Holy Spirit. Glory be to God Almighty Amen!!

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Daniel's picture
Now I know you need help. Can

Now I know you need help. Can admin block this person from further posts, as there is clearly I'll intent here.

algebe's picture
"Eve had sex with Satan in

"Eve had sex with Satan in Eden

No eve. No Satan. No eden. And not even your precious book says that Eve had sex with the snake.

You Xtian males really should stop blaming women for your weakness.

"And I found out a long time ago
What a woman can do to your soul
Aw but she can't take you any way
You don't already know how to go"
(The Eagles, "Peaceful Easy Feeling")

Sky Pilot's picture


It seems that he is relying upon the interpretation of Genesis 3:15 which is the serpent seed doctrine.

That theory is also found in the Jewish Babylonian Talmud, Yebamoth 103b http://www.come-and-hear.com/yebamoth/yebamoth_103.html

"When the serpent copulated with Eve,9 he infused her10 with lust. The lust of the Israelites who stood at Mount Sinai,11 came to an end, the lust of the idolaters who did not stand at Mount Sinai did not come to an end."

*NOTE: The numbers in the verbiage are footnotes. All of the passages in the Talmud have countless footnotes inserted in the verbiage.

algebe's picture
@Diotrephes "the serpent seed

@Diotrephes "the serpent seed doctrine"

Thanks Diotrephes. I'd never heard that one before. Poor Eve must have been tired of dopey old Adam, who probably wasn't much good in bed after a busy day naming all the animals. Isn't it interesting how religion is always about sex.

Sky Pilot's picture


The Talmud is loaded with sex and so is the Bible. And don't forget the Islamic and Mormon versions of the afterlife.

In the Bible Adam not only named all of the animals he also had sex with them. Woman was created because none of the animals were suitable sexual partners for Adam. That's hinted at in Genesis 2:18.

The Talmud is more specific and plainly says that Adam screwed all of the various animals.

Yebamoth 63a = "R. Eleazar further stated: What is meant by the Scriptural text, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh?13 This teaches that Adam had intercourse with every beast and animal but found no satisfaction until he cohabited with Eve."

LogicFTW's picture


Every bible fanatic needs to read that for them selves and decide if they still buy into all this bible stuff.

algebe's picture
Diotrephes: "Adam not only

Diotrephes: "Adam not only named all of the animals he also had sex with them."

So it's ok for Adam to hump hippos, root rhinos, and fuck foxes, but poor old Eve gets damned forever for having rumpy-pumpy with one little snake.

You couldn't make this stuff up. Oh right. They did make it up.

LogicFTW's picture
They did make it up.

They did make it up.
I almost want to make a few dozen accounts so I can /agree this post a few dozen times.

But that would be dishonest :)

How can people possibly buy into this insanity that is the bible. I thought I seen most all of the ridiculousness of the bible, but it continues to surprise me.

Sky Pilot's picture


According to the Jewish Babylonian Talmud it's perfectly OK for a Jewish woman to have sex with a beast or a demon and still marry a Jewish priest.

Yebamoth 59b = "R. Shimi b. Hiyya stated: A woman who had intercourse with a beast is eligible to marry a priest.17 Likewise it was taught: A woman who had intercourse with that which is no human being,18 though she is in consequence subject to the penalty of stoning,19 is nevertheless permitted to marry a priest.20

When R. Dimi came21 he related: It once happened at Haitalu22 that while a young woman was sweeping the floor23 a village dog24 covered her from the rear,25 and Rabbi permitted her to marry a priest. Samuel said: Even a High Priest. But was there a High Priest in the days of Rabbi?26 — Rather, [Samuel meant]: Fit for a High Priest."

They castigate Gentiles for having sex with animals but excuse it for themselves.

Abodah Zarah 22a-22b = http://www.come-and-hear.com/zarah/zarah_22.html

Randomhero1982's picture
I think I've found the

I think I've found the correct place for this comment.....


Attach Image/Video?: 

Sky Pilot's picture


Google Colombian men and donkeys.

algebe's picture
@Diotrephes: "Google

@Diotrephes: "Google Colombian men and donkeys."

Thanks D. That's another reason not to go to Colombia.

Now Google "sheep shagger", which is an insult that Australians often fling at New Zealanders, especially after their team loses to the All Blacks yet again.

MCDennis's picture
this is looney... do you

this is looney... do you believe any of this

Sky Pilot's picture
MCD, What's loony?


What's loony?

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