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mickron88's picture
"new word tbh"

"new word tbh"

yeah i know that shelly..

what i'm trying to say is its new to me, even though the word is already obsolete.

when i mean shelly, that means you sheldon..
peace bruh...

Sushisnake's picture


" what do you call a person who believes in all of the gods??
is there any name for them??"


Sheldon's picture
No worries, I guessed who you

No worries, I guessed who you meant by shelly, I take it you've seen the bbt? I am something of a fan, that's part of the reason I chose the name as my avatar. I have to confess the word was new to me as well, I just meant the idea that someone can claim to believe all religions is too absurd to be taken seriously, even if they just meant all the Abrahamic religions. Believing one of them seems irrational enough, to claim to believe them all, well I can't imagine how anyone can avoid cognitive dissonance and claim to believe ideas and beliefs that so obviously contradict each other.

mickron88's picture
of course..i stand corrected,

of course..i stand corrected, well, well i guess they are too blind to see it, or they just like the idea of having a wall that can lean on..
or someone to blame if something flips over.

we never know, life is a terrible thing to waste...pity

mickron88's picture



Attach Image/Video?: 

Sheldon's picture
So not one theist can

So not one theist can demonstrate even one piece of objective evidence?

As unsurprising as this is I'd have thought someone would at least try. So far subjective claims for a miracle and logically fallacious appeals to ignorance is all we've seen.

mickron88's picture
or they just can'tadmit it

or they just can'tadmit it that they are wrong,

theist: "I'm always right, even though i'm wrong, i'm still right...deal with it"
atheist: (scratches and tilting head)

Sheldon's picture
Maybe they could pray for

Maybe they could pray for objective evidence?

LogicFTW's picture
Ofcourse you and I know

Ofcourse you and I know prayer does not work. It is evident and obvious to begin with simply noting no major religion has enjoyed more luck and prosperity over the long run over another or over people that do not pray at all. (Success of a religion over whelmingly more tied to how violent they and aggressively they expand and convert others.)

But people also have wasted the effort to do studies and tests on prayers, for instance: in a hospital settings praying for a sick or injured people. No difference, not even a "feel good, hopeful difference." Plus the whole: no one ever prayed for an arm to grow back and have the arm grow back.

Sky Pilot's picture


Have you ever considered how many calories a person would have to consume for a limb to grow back and how painful it would be?

LogicFTW's picture
No I have not. I am sure it

No I have not. I am sure it is quite a bit. Especially if people wanted it to grow back quickly or "over night." There is a million things wrong with the idea of spontaneous limb regrowth in an adult human. Calories and pain are only 2 of many. Imagine two entire legs. All the bone, all the muscle, all the flesh, all the nerves. It takes a human ~18 years to get the full length of their legs. Not a quick process.

Sky Pilot's picture


I think a workable process using current technology would be to scan a body and use it as a blueprint for 3D printing a prosthetic that incorporates robotics. They already have the basic capability for doing things like that but this would be specific to the individual. For instance, a soldier gets his body scanned prior to combat and if he loses a limb a new one is made using data from his original scan. It would be identical in shape, size, and weight. It shouldn't be that complex of a thing to do.

LogicFTW's picture
Sorry for delayed response.

Sorry for delayed response.

Not a bad idea, scanning a soldiers limbs to allow for greater reproduction of prosthetics.

Prosthetics still have a long way to go before they are even close to replacing the limb lost though. Although nice advancements are being made all the time.

I personally am looking forward to exoskeletons that are light and compact, but will allow me to be fully mobile well into my 80's and 90's. No wheelchairs/canes/steppers for me! I will be out mowing my own lawn well into my 90's! (Okay maybe a lawn mower on remote control, but you get the idea, full independence even in my late age when my body begins to fail me.)

Sheldon's picture
The ironic thing is that

The ironic thing is that there are species that can regrow detached limbs, spiders for instance. Now why would a deity create them, but refuse to answer the prayers of the faithful?

I think Occam's razor works just fine here to be honest.

Sky Pilot's picture


You've just identified something that will make you super-rich and famous. Get busy in your lab and synthesize the compound from spiders and lizards that allow them to regrow body parts. You can even throw in some plant compounds for stabilizers. You should be able to get it done within the next 12 months.

Tin-Man's picture
@Dio Re: "Get busy in your

@Dio Re: "Get busy in your lab and synthesize the compound from spiders and lizards that allow them to regrow body parts."

Hate to break it to you, Dio, but that has sorta already been tried in a Spiderman movie. Didn't work out very well, by the way. People killed. Lots and lots of major property damage. Emotional trauma and scarring. Friends becoming enemies. Failed relationships. It was a disaster.....

Aw, what the hell. Fuck-it. GO FOR IT, SHELDON!

Sheldon's picture
Still no one prepared to try

Still no one prepared to try and offer any objective evidence for the existence of a deity, and it's been by my count 17 days since this thread offers theists that opportunity. Now there are theists on here who like to attack atheism, and atheists, and who even like to deny scientific facts, yet none of those theists can demonstrate objective evidence for a deity? What are we to think...

jonthecatholic's picture
Evidence has been presented.

Evidence has been presented. You simply choose to dismiss them coz it threatens your atheism.

How about the argument from first cause. Or the argument from motion. Or the argument from contingency. You say they've been debunked but I've yet to see them be debunked at all.

Sheldon's picture
"Evidence has been presented.

"Evidence has been presented. You simply choose to dismiss them coz it threatens your atheism."

An unsubstantiated claim from an 8th century monk for what he thought was a miracle maybe something you consider objective evidence, sadly you're woefully wrong. If you think that "threatens" my disbelief then I don't know what to say to you, but again you're woefully wrong.

"How about the argument from first cause. "

How about it? Firstly it is a deeply flawed argument, secondly it is not objective evidence by definition, and lastly it's not even an argument for the existence of a deity but for a first cause, unless you use pure assumption and argumentum ad ignorantiam like WLC.

"You say they've been debunked but I've yet to see them be debunked at all."

So what? This thread is asking for objective evidence for the existence of a deity, it;s not a thread for me to try and reverse a lifetime of indoctrination in theists who now have no critical thinking ability and accept risible hearsay from 8th century monks as "scientific evidence", and for a supernatural miracle no less.

Is this really all you have to base your beliefs on?

NB I started a separate thread for arguments for the existence of a deity, as opposed to objective evidence as the few theists who have bothered to post here seem confused about the difference..

jonthecatholic's picture
Let me pose the question this

Let me pose the question this way, Sheldon. What would need to happen for you to say, "That's God and there's no other reason but God"?

Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ JoC " Let me pose the

@ JoC " Let me pose the question this"

Oooh pick me, pick me *thrusts hand in air*

If your YHWH was stood right in front of me with Yeshua bin Josef and a large penis on a stick called the Wholly Vodka. And they were all one person, but I could still see each of them...

Can I go now Miss? Why are you sobbing? Miss???

Sheldon's picture
Seriously? Well let me try

Seriously? Well let me try and show how that question appears to an open minded objective viewer.

"Let me pose the question this way, JoC. What would need to happen for you to say, "That's XXXXXX and there's no other reason but XXXXXX"?"

I have said repeatedly said that I apply the same criteria for all claims, and without bias, which is the definition of open minded. That objective evidence be demonstrated commensurate to the claim. You're asking me a meaningless question. What evidence would need to be demonstrated before you would believe there is an invisible unicorn in front of you, that is undetectable in any empirical way? Loaded questions about unfalsifiable claims are easy to create.

Now what objective evidence can you demonstrate that any deity is real? I'll go way out on a limb here to help, subjective claims from believers of any faith, or arguments based on known common logical fallacies, rounded off with pure biased assumption, are as far removed from objective evidence as it's possible to get.

Take the arguments to the thread I started for them, and before you claim objective evidence for a miracle flip on a news channel, and ask yourself why it isn't ticker taped across the bottom of a screen showing the Pope receiving the celebrations of the massed faithful in St. Peter's Square, and if you're remotely interested in being honest or objective that's not an easy question to answer.

Sorry, it is an easy question to answer of course, but only if you're objective and open minded. You claimed to have based your belief on a weight of evidence, so again I'm wondering, why in a thread for objective evidence you don't just demonstrate the best of it? Instead we get claims for a miracle from an 8th century monk, and common logical fallacy, can you see why I am dubious about a claim you can't back up at all?

jonthecatholic's picture
What is this that you mean by

What is this that you mean by objective evidence? I’m trying to get to the meat of what you’re looking for specifically here. Would you need to see God with your own eyes? Or again, would traces be enough?

How about reality? Everything you see, perceive abd experience are things that don’t have to exist. I don’t need to exist. The computer you’re using doesn’t have to exist. Nothing in the universe has to exist. Why then is there something rather than nothing? Existence of something demands an explanation. And no other explanation for reality existing other than the existence of “being” itself, which we call God.

It’s like seeing an apple in the middle of an empty room. Why is the apple there? It takes more faith for me to say the apple had always been there since the room was made than to simply acknowledge that someone brought the apple in and left it there. In the same way, I’d ask, why is there the empty room at all? It would take more faith for me to say that the room had always existed in that state than acknowledge that some construction workers made the room. Continue this reasoning until you come up with, “Why does anything exist at all?” It would take far more faith for me to accept that everything just exists and has so for all eternity than to acknowledge that existence has a cause, which we call God.

Sheldon's picture
Argumentum ad ingnorantiam,

Argumentum ad ingnorantiam, please look this up as you genuinely still seem to not know you're basing all your arguments on this common logical fallacy.

"acknowledge that existence has a cause, which we call God."

Do you have any objective evidence that existence had a cause, let alone that the cause was a deity? The thread is for objective evidence after all, not for you to endlessly repeat common logical fallacies like argumentum ad ignorantiam.

jonthecatholic's picture
Let me turn the question back

Let me turn the question back to you.

Between the two mutually exclusive events of,

Existence of reality has a cause and
Existence of reality does not have a cause

Which one is more likely to be true? All scientific study we have is actually based on the assumption that everything that exists has to be caused by one thing or another. If we’re to reject this, might as well reject all scientific inquiry as it can be accepted that things happen without a reasonable cause.

There’s also the case that an infinite series of causes cannot exist. Need an explanation of this as well?

Therefore there must be a first cause of existence and it cannot be caused to exist by anything else except itself.

Nyarlathotep's picture
JoC - If we’re to reject this

JoC - If we’re to reject this, might as well reject all scientific inquiry as it can be accepted that things happen without a reasonable cause.

Newton is often cited as the first scientist to reject the notion that things need reasonable reasons to happen. In the last 100 years your idea has been repudiated over and over again. This idea of reasonable cause and effect is NOT how the world works.

jonthecatholic's picture
So, you'd agree to that

So, you'd agree to that things can simply not have a cause at all to happen? I agree that somethings we may not know the cause of. Or that reality might not behave how we know they would behave. It doesn't follow that reality or existence doesn't have a reasonable cause.

Nyarlathotep's picture
JoC - I agree that somethings

JoC - I agree that somethings we may not know the cause of.

It is worse than that. There are things we know can't have causes (unless you are willing to accept randomness as a cause).

jonthecatholic's picture
Examples of which are? I don

Examples of which are? I don't accept randomness as cause. But I'm interested in what these may be.

Nyarlathotep's picture
Consider the decay of a

Consider the decay of a neutron (into a proton + some other junk). Experimentally we know that a free neutron has about a 50% chance to decay in a 15 minute period (it has a half life of 15 minutes). We also know all neutrons are identical (this part is super important).

So let's say we start with 2 free neutrons and then check them 15 minutes later, and let's say we happen to find that one has decayed and the other did not. It is impossible to attribute this decay to any cause, because anything that you say caused the first decay, did not cause the 2nd to decay; yet there was no difference between them.

Or to put it another way. If the cause X, acting on A, produces effect K; then the cause X, acting on B (which is identical to A), must also produce effect K. The decay of neutrons (any many many other processes) does not take this form; as we get different results from identical particles. Randomness is here to stay.


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