Hey Christians where is Jesus now?

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David Hoe's picture
Hey Christians where is Jesus now?

If you claim Jesus is real;can you explain me where he is sitting now after his crucifixtion?If you can't with real evidences(surely you can't) than why are you still believing an mythologic thing?

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Alembé's picture
Well, according to one of the

Well, according to one of the creeds that I used to sing in church:
"...He ascended into heaven, and sitteth on the right hand of the father..."

That situation must be getting tiresome after almost 2000 years.

Amber Horner's picture
lmao....love it!

lmao....love it!

Amber Horner's picture
perhaps he masturbates with

perhaps he masturbates with the left hand? only speculation here :)

bigbill's picture
drivenone Your poor selection

drivenone Your poor selection of vocabulary here is a sign that you lack basic skills for writing. That is a terrible thing to say here.For most Christians Jesus is dear to there hearts and lives to use a selection of bad vocabulary shows what kind of person you are.Yes you can only foolishly speculate here, As a women the terms you use is very out of place. Don`t you have any civility? Can you only think of sex here? What is the matter with you? please don`t tarnish this website with your filthy language, go some place else.

LogicFTW's picture
......I am speechless...

......I am speechless...

Is that "wordless? On a writing format?

You are accusing drivenone of lacking basic skills in writing?

I always assumed either: english is not your first language, that you are a kid, or someone that did not care too much about grammar, or some combination of these.

She said it with obvious humour.
It is a terrible thing to say here? In an atheist debate forum? You do realize we are all typing in an atheist debate forum right?

I too personally think that anyone that strongly believes in the Jesus Christ fairy tale are very deluded, and have stopped using basic rational and logical thinking, they do not deserve special handling, especially here on an atheist debate board. I see "filthy" language here all the time. We do not need to be civil in our discussion of various religions here.

If you have a problem with some of us putting out disparaging remarks about imaginary people in imaginary places, present a logical, real world testable evidence argument why we are wrong, instead of trying to attack our character. Besides if there was the almighty god and we talked shit about his son, dont you think he can defend him self and his son just fine with out you jumping in to the defense of people that follow this god guy?

Nyarlathotep's picture
science follower - please don

science follower - please don`t tarnish this website with your filthy language, go some place else.

I think the atheists here can decide what is acceptable and what isn't; and at any rate it certainly isn't up to you to decide.

CyberLN's picture
Your entire post is, imo,

Your entire post is, imo, complete drek. I find that you said, "As a women the terms you use is very out of place" especially distasteful, disturbing, and certainly misogynistic.

algebe's picture
@Science follower: "lack

@Science follower: "lack basic skills for writing"

Pot. Kettle. Black.

Or is your post meant to be a parody?

mykcob4's picture
Really you want to open this

Really you want to open this can of worms? No one in their right mind would try to answer this but christians aren't in their right minds.
I would guess that you will get anything from He is everywhere." to no answer at all.
Of course, you are baiting christians into a fight, that is obvious. Why do you want to?

MCDennis's picture
Why are you asking theists to

Why are you asking theists to make shit up about where they think their mythical jeebus is today?

Sky Pilot's picture


The question also applies to muslims because they also believe that Yeshua (Issa) will return.

Randomhero1982's picture
They have more chance of

They have more chance of finding space on Cardinal Pell's hard drive then of finding Jesus...

ImFree's picture
No telling what Cardinal Pell

No telling what Cardinal Pell's hard drive has on it, Kiddie porn would not be a surprise considering the Catholic church's past behavior. No room left for Jesus...

Amber Horner's picture
perhaps if jebus is still a

perhaps if jebus is still a young boy he does ;)

chimp3's picture
Jesus did return. He

Jesus did return. He reappeared at an antiabortion rally and saw a crowd of people carrying crosses. He said "Fuck that! Been there, done that!" and split.

bigbill's picture
that's a good question I`m a

that's a good question I`m a agnostic thinker so I don`t care or know what Jesus is doing. Historians tell us that he died on a roman cross outside the city of Jerusalem almost 2000 years ago, while the religious say that there understanding handed down through tradition is that he rose and went to the right hand of the father. What I can say is that the jury is still out about J esus, We just don`t know about him. He did and was recorded as saying according to his chronicles that wrote down what he said was that he would come back some day, And that is the entire hope on this leaning to a return and the main thing about Christianity.Peopole have come and gone and so far no return, Is this some event that could possibly happen at a later date, I just don`t know.

LogicFTW's picture
"Historians tell us that he

"Historians tell us that he died on a roman cross...."

Please don't make it sound like any sort of consensus or as accepted fact.
Let me fix it for you:

"A few very biased historians tell us that he died on a roman cross..."

Biased historians that have zero archaeological evidence of a supposed son of god that could perform miracles, (you think something testable would of been left behind if it was a son of god and miracles performed.)

bigbill's picture
then tell me what did they do

then tell me what did they do with Jesus body.The cross was the main form of penalty for sedition during that time, Jesus died as a person who was an enemy of the roman state. And the penalty for that was death on a cross.What method do you say? Can you state a more likely method of killing jesus.all the material that I listen to and all that I have read states that Jesus died on a cross for treason.So while I take under account your opinion, It is just not a factual explanation, that`s all.

LogicFTW's picture
I am not saying it is

I am not saying it is unlikely that some sort of religious figure person died on the cross as a penalty for sedition back then. I am saying there is zero evidence that the son of god ever existed. Just like there is zero evidence that god exists that can be tested.

I am saying a few highly biased historians say... when you made it out to sound like their was some sort of historian consensus that could be accepted as likely fact. And then further pointing out there is no archaeological evidence.

Sky Pilot's picture
science follower,

science follower,

According to the Jewish Babylonian Talmud the Jews boast about killing Yeshua using five different methods of execution = he was strangled, stoned, crucified, burned, and he's in hell being boiled in hot shit.

Right now, according to them, Yeshua is being boiled in hot excrement.
Gittin 57a = "What is your punishment [in the other world]? He replied: What I decreed for myself. Every day my ashes are collected and sentence is passed on me and I am burnt and my ashes are scattered over the seven seas. He then went and raised Balaam by incantations. He asked him: Who is in repute in the other world? He replied: Israel. What then, he said, about joining them? He replied: Thou shalt not seek their peace nor their prosperity all thy days for ever.1 He then asked: What is your punishment? He replied: With boiling hot semen.2 He then went and raised by incantations the sinners of Israel.3 He asked them: Who is in repute in the other world? They replied: Israel. What about joining them? They replied: Seek their welfare, seek not their harm. Whoever touches them touches the apple of his eye. He said: What is your punishment? They replied: With boiling hot excrement, since a Master has said: Whoever mocks at the words of the Sages is punished with boiling hot excrement. Observe the difference between the sinners of Israel and the prophets of the other nations who worship idols. It has been taught: Note from this incident how serious a thing it is to put a man to shame, for God espoused the cause of Bar Kamza and destroyed His House and burnt His Temple."

1. Deut. XXIII, 7.
2. Because he enticed Israel to go astray after the daughters of Moab. V. Sanh. 106a.
3. [MS.M. Jesus].
Babylonian Talmud: Gittin 57

bigbill's picture
well the motion pictures,

well the motion pictures, books, and documentaries don`t say one thing concerning the Babylonian Talmud saying anything about Jesus being strangled or burned, Why not then? The Talmud is not the new testament I adhere to the new testament. Written well after the Talmud was. The church formulated the idea that As history was coming down to the later writers was that Jesus died for the penalty of sedition and the normal carrying out for the penalty was death on a cross.The Christian symbol today and for centuries gone by is the cross AND the fish. Hymns have been written on the cross, The new testament accounts in some places go all the way back to 5 to 10 years after Jesus was crucified.The Babylonian Talmud is not the acceptable source for Christians today it is a jewish writing and can not be reconciled with the new testament.

Nyarlathotep's picture
science follower - I adhere

science follower - I adhere to the new testament

That is where you went wrong. You might as well adhere to Jack and the Beanstalk.

Sky Pilot's picture
science follower,

science follower,

Have you ever been in the Christian catacombs in Rome? I don't think that are too many fishes and crosses painted in them. Jesus didn't die on the cross because he didn't exist untl 1630. It was Yeshua. So not only do you believe in an imaginary person you also believe in an alias.

bigbill's picture
I am just saying that the new

I am just saying that the new testament is the source for jesus life not the Babylonian Talmud. The 2.3 billion Christians use this as there source for the life and teachings of Jesus.When you want to know what Jesus was like you pick up or listen to a new testament For you Nyarlathotyep to mock it is your choice but not a majority view point.The majority of people recognize and believe that Jesus lived and died on a wooden cross, Why some say otherwise is hard to understand.Who taught them this what source do they use..

LogicFTW's picture
I see you are no longer

I see you are no longer claiming to be agnostic. (You seem to flip flop a lot on what you believe.)

Definition of majority via marriam webster:

a : a number or percentage equaling more than half of a total a majority of voters a two-thirds majority
b : the excess of a majority over the remainder of the total : margin won by a majority of 10 votes
c : the greater quantity or share the majority of the time

Under none of these definitions does the many versions of new testament readers achieve a commonly accepted definition of majority. It may be the largest minority. But the majority of people disagree with the new testament on a fundamental level.

2.3 billion people do not use the new testament. Not all christians follow the new testament. Even within the new testament there are many versions of it further fracturing these numbers.

The new testament is not majority viewpoint of all people that have ever lived, the amount of people that read the many versions of the new testament cover to cover and believe everything it said is probably less than 5% of all people that lived.

Some numbers on the net. 25 million bibles sold. King james version still the most popular but not currently the most selling today. About half of all bible readers rely on KJV. It would take almost 100 years of selling 25 million bibles a year to reach 2.3 billion readers, yes multiple people can use 1 bible but average bible reader owns 4.4

If largest religious "segment" consensus rules the day, and makes what is right, prepare to abandon your religion and join Islam likely within your lifetime if you have not reached your 40's yet.

Christianity is so fractured. Saying their is 2.3 billion christians is like saying there are 1 billion teachers in the world and they all teach the same thing. No. Their is preschool teachers, college teachers, religious teachers, teachers of drivers ed, anger management teachers etc, its fairly meaningless to say all teachers believe the same thing and use the same books. Some are part time, some have taught one class ever. Some have schooling to be teachers some teach for 40 years. Professor's at college lecture but do not grade or give feedback, etc.

Nyarlathotep's picture
LogicForTW - I see you are no

LogicForTW - I see you are no longer claiming to be agnostic. (You seem to flip flop a lot on what you believe.)

I'd guess he's flip-fopped here at least 6 times in the last 18 or so months.

CyberLN's picture
And despite his moniker, he

And despite his moniker, he doesn't seem to follow much science either.

Sky Pilot's picture


The hilarious thing is that the people who use the KJV aren't using the real KJV. They are using one that is missing 14 books that the original KJV contains. IOW, they are clueless.

bigbill's picture
Jesus is the reason for the

Jesus is the reason for the season, Through jesus Christ Christian followers have redemption which leads to salvation. I thank Jesus everyday the way he has worked in my life, And so I follow him completely. I am a apologist, A defender of the Christian faith. So please Atheist please accept this as a brother in the Lord. Please don`t choose to you profane language when you post a response to me or that goes for anybody else.Please stay within the boundaries of the argument being presented, Don`t wander off to subjects that have no bearing on the subject at hand.

LogicFTW's picture
Uh, you are on an atheist

Uh, you are on an atheist debate board, and you are asking everyone else to amend their conversations to follow your requests? You also misrepresented yourself saying you were agnostic less than 48 hours ago, or you just change your mind a lot and very rapidly on a subject most people on both sides take very seriously.

I actually like to debate Christian apologists, (or any religious people that visit debate forums.) I do like threads to stay on topic however so we can agree on that.

Sure I will accept that you consider yourself "as a brother in the lord."
I will never accept that your "lord" (or any god) exists without real testable evidence that exceeds the incredible amount of real testable evidence there is that is against the possibility of your god.

I also think your profile picture and your username is highly misleading. (What is up with your picture and name choice if you are a christian apologist are you purposely trying to create deception with your picture and name choice?)


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