A Message To Religious People

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Stu. K.'s picture
Oh I see now. Well it really

Oh I see now. Well it really isn't a free gift to paradise because there was some verse (I can't find it) that said something along the lines of you won't know if you're worthy enough of being in Heaven until you meet Jesus after death. That's highly unfair because God doesn't let you know if you're worthy before you die or not. He doesn't say if you're going in the right direction or not, which is totally unfair. You make it sound like anybody can do it, but really, you can't know that. So it's not really a free trip like you think. That's like winning a free vacation from the Wheel of Fortune for doing good, but they say "nope, nevermind" with no warning ahead of time.

Also as a relevant side note, ask yourself this: Is free will the byproduct of sin? It is. And if there is no sin in heaven, there is no free will. So is it reallyyyyy a paradise?

And sorry I wasn't thinking quite right when I said that "while free will subject" thing lol. Ignore that :b

Sky Pilot's picture
According to the Bible the

Stu. K.,

According to the Bible the guy who killed the two people could get bonus points if they were witches. It's OK to kill witches per Exodus 22:18 (KJV) = "Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live." He might get in trouble for taking their car but he can take their virgin daughters.

Sky Pilot's picture


The problem with the free will argument is that people tend to base their opinions on the examples in the biblical ethnocentric Middle Eastern Jewish religious fairy tale instead of some other story. Consequently they judge themselves according to that when the fairy tale doesn't even apply to them.

For instance, people tend to think that things went to hell because Eve ate from the tree of knowledge of good and evil and led Adam into sin, thereby condemning everyone to hell. The main reason they think that is because it's the first story in the Bible. In reality the theme is repeated countless times throughout the Bible. It's just an illustration of what happens when the First and Second of the Ten Commandments in Exodus 34;10-28 aren't followed. All of the biblical stories are based on them.

Now, in the Adam and Eve case they are kicking back in their perfect corner of the world without any problems whatsoever. They have it made. So what happened? They violated the First and Second Commandments. The Israelites/Hebrew/Jews did that throughout the Bible. In the case of Adam and Eve they lost their paradise but God never abandoned them. That theme is repeated throughout the Bible. No matter what they did God always took them back. He never replaced them with another group of people. When they pissed him off he would kill some, exile others, disperse them around the world but he would never replace them with someone else.

The biblical stories are just for Israelites/Hebrews/Jews. The Babylonian Talmud rejects the New Testament. According to the Babylonian Talmud no Jew will go to hell because his good deeds outweigh all of his bad deeds, no matter how bad they might be (Hagihah 27a). JCR - The Babylonian Talmud, Chagigah
http://juchre.org/talmud/chagigah/chagigah2.htm#27a. But each Jew will get 2,800 Gentile slaves in the afterlife (Shabbath 32b) Babylonian Talmud: Shabbath 32

Now suppose that those passages from the Talmud reflect how things will be when we croak. Do you think we will have had free will while we were living? Nope, because no matter what a wonderful person we might have been as a Gentile we will end up a slave for eternity. And no matter what a scumbucket we might have been as a Jew we won't go to hell.

jamiebgood1's picture

Shit! I need to become a jew.
Its all just creative stories to control people. I'm getting that more and more
Thank you for clarifying what I couldn't

Sky Pilot's picture


Isaiah 14:1-2 (CEB) tells the plan = "1 The Lord will have compassion on Jacob, will again choose Israel, and will give them rest in their own land. Immigrants will join them, and attach themselves to the house of Jacob. 2 The peoples will take them and will bring them to their own place. The house of Israel will possess them as male and female slaves in the Lord’s land, making captives of their captors and ruling their oppressors."

That free will thing won't work out well for the collaborators.

jamiebgood1's picture
I hate that the lord

I hate that the lord advocated and promoted slavery. people believe this shit. I will remain an Atheist for ever and eternity too.

Stu. K.'s picture
There are some problems with

There are some problems with this whole free will thing. First, God could make everybody good people and non-sinful and still have free will, no? Second, if there was no sin until after the apple was eaten, how could they have sinned in the first place? Third, if the REASON that free will exists is because someone ate an apple is ridiculous. Yes, I know it was because they went against God, but if he could see the future AND there was no sin before that as explained in the second reason, then it should be absolutely impossible to sin. Fourth, I'm sorry but this whole free will shebang just doesn't add up in any way, shape, or form.

whatistruth1838.146's picture
Stu K.

Stu K.

Sin is going against the will of God
Gravity is the force that (on earth) causes things to fall(obviously its broader than that but for sake of example).
if sin needed to exist before the apple in order for it to be possible and there wasn't any in man therefore making it not possible then
if rock on mount Everest when everything was first created never fell to earth then did gravity not exist?

Just because things do not happen doesn't mean that the potential for those things do not exist.

Next free will doesn't exist because the apple was eaten (though the scriptures do not say apple but a fruit); rather, free will is exemplified as existing because God gave man that choice which is first seen in the Garden of Eden narrative.

Lastly I think we'll disagree on free will till it is defined and you see what I mean by free will which is not unrestricted free will (i.e. outside of consequence/other matters which constitue an enormous debate)

bigbill's picture
I`m grateful to authors as

I`m grateful to authors as Robert M. Price who believe that Jesus was a mythical figure, And women scholar Amy jill Levine who states that Jesus wasn`t the messiah. Even though she goes to synagogue. Atheist David Fitzgerald has a book out on amazon called nailed Where he sites Ten Christian Myths that show Jesus never existed at all.Religion is for the weak minded of heart.The bible is full of errors and a source one can`t rely on.

Sky Pilot's picture
science follower,

science follower,

While the Bible is full of errors and while the Jesus character probably didn't exist as described you have to remember the true purpose of the biblical fairy tale. None of it is for Gentiles. It's beyond silly for them to be concerned with it as a religious item for themselves. The sole purpose of the biblical fairy tale is to tell the Jews that they are their deity's favorite people and that they will rule the world. That's it. The stories, such as in the New Testament, are effective in getting the Gentiles to collaborate with them so that they can achieve their goals of world domination. The Jewish Babylonian Talmud is loaded with that stuff and so is the Bible. Look at the constant, non-stop propaganda.

Besides, the idea of a celestial deity who created the vast universe with zillions of planets, trillions of stars, and billions of galaxies that is only concerned with a handful of people on a tiny speck of dirt on a very small planet circling a small star in a middling sized galaxy is asinine to rational thought. It might have made sense when people were dumb as dirt but we are expected to have at least a dozen functioning brain cells in the 21st Century.

bigbill's picture
In my own experience with the

In my own experience with the Christian religion I would say I became a skeptic once I sought out information that was a rational dialogue between an apologist for the Christian faith and an Atheist.the arguments parlayed went back and forth for over 2.5 hours.Which I feel the atheist made some fine points. right after that I started searching for more authors who were secularist humanist like Jerry Coyne professor in Chicago of physics. I tried to examine both sides carefully, Until I came to the conclusion in favor of the secularist humanist position.

Nyarlathotep's picture
According to the mythology,

According to the mythology, god is the creator of all evil.
Proverbs 16:4 - The LORD hath made all things for himself: yea, even the wicked for the day of evil.

Sky Pilot's picture


Beware of the evil angels. They can be worse than demons.

Psalm 78:49 (KJV) = "He cast upon them the fierceness of his anger, wrath, and indignation, and trouble, by sending evil angels among them."


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