Richard Dawkins’ Open Letter to the People Who Canceled His Event

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xenoview's picture
Richard Dawkins’ Open Letter to the People Who Canceled His Event

He wrote an interesting letter to the radio station that canceled his event.

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algebe's picture
What's happening to freedom

What's happening to freedom of speech in America?

If the radio station was worried about Dawkins' views, they just needed to put out a disclaimer saying they did not necessarily support any comments that might be made during the event. But these simple-minded cowards decided to ban Richard Dawkins on the basis of things he might have said elsewhere. Pathetic.

And why should we be worried about offending Muslims anyway? Like Christians, Jews, Hindus, communists, Nazis, etc., they are guilty of perpetuating stupid ideas that cause immeasurable suffering in the world. They need to be challenged and shamed.

Randomhero1982's picture
How tragic, the world has

How tragic, the world has truly gone mad when you stop someone as wonderfully articulate and as intellectual as Richard Dawkins from talking.

I've been a huge admirer of his for many, more so on his works regarding evolutionary biology.

Terrible news!

bigbill's picture
I`m agnostic anyhow, So I am

I`m agnostic anyhow, So I am really not concerned about the dawkins affair. What I will say is that everybody is entitled to there own opinion, But when it becomes to incite things then it can become dangerous, So Richard Dawkins has been known to say A thing a two that incites people. No matter if they are Muslims or Christians. We need careful dialogue here tenderness instead of incitefulnes.

algebe's picture
@science follower: "But when

@science follower: "But when it becomes to incite things then it can become dangerous"

People who resort to violence when their views are challenged are criminals. Decent people shouldn't be forced to walk on eggshells to avoid offending the sensititives of religious thugs or their spineless apologists.

MCDennis's picture
No we don't need 'tenderness'

No we don't need 'tenderness' in dialogues. Religions don't get a pass. Nothing is immune from scrutiny or criticism. This is America.

Randomhero1982's picture
Well if anyone is offended by

Well if anyone is offended by Dawkins or anyone else for that matter, I would simply offer a line from Stephen Fry...

"Oh your offended?! Well so fucking what!"

I fear in the future everyone will constantly pull that card every 5 minutes and there will be no way to have sensible dialogue.

algebe's picture
@Randomhero1982 "I fear in

@Randomhero1982 "I fear in the future everyone will constantly pull that card every 5 minutes"

I'm afraid we're already there.

LogicFTW's picture
Certainly when it comes to

Certainly when it comes to many theist. They are so sensitive about it. Seems like many of them are very insecure about their belief system. (And who can blame em, under examination all of the major religions are insanity.)

chimp3's picture
The last places on earth

The last places on earth where you can be killed for criticizing religious ideas are Muslim countries. Damn the moderates.

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