What would convince you of a miracle

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biggus dickus's picture
What would convince you of a miracle

Unlike most of my statements or claims which are 90% bullshit, this one is actually serious and straight forward. I was wondering what would it take to convince you of a miracle.

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mykcob4's picture
Nothing. If I couldn't figure

Nothing. If I couldn't figure out how something happened I would recognize that I do not have enough information.

ThePragmatic's picture
What is a miracle?

What is "a miracle"?

biggus dickus's picture
definition an extraordinary

definition an extraordinary and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore attributed to a divine agency. or a remarkable event or development that brings very welcome consequence. thats what a fast google search says anyway.

MCDennis's picture
I think you need to try again

I think you need to try again because part of your definition specifically "attributable to divine agency'' is circular.

Attributable to the divine is what you are trying to prove... that the unexpected, rare, uncommon, unexpected event was NOT naturally occurring and was therefore result of ''supernatural'' intervention.

SecularSonOfABiscuitEater's picture
I'm still as Athiest as

I'm still as Athiest as before, but I have to ask.. as you posted, the definition states that a miracle is "an extraordinary and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore attributed to a divine agency."

Many respectable scientists have admitted that we cannot explain where consciousness came from. For me I'd say can't explain YET, but isn't this a good justification for those who believe in miracles?

M_Kiik's picture
I wouldn't know what a

I wouldn't know what a miracle is because even a rare event could occur and without knowing why it occured, would make it difficult to call it a "miracle". I think if we will go with a miracle: every blind person in the world, every amputee, every deaf person, every disease gets curee overnight. That would impress me. Or, I wake up one morning and win the lottery ;) (jokes)

biggus dickus's picture
Well I personally think if we

Well I personally think if we ever were to call a miracle we would need to know the boundaries of nature, otherwise it would just be arguing from ignorance.

MCDennis's picture
How would you test to

How would you test to determine some event was supernaturally caused?

Nyarlathotep's picture
Biggus Dickus - Well I

Biggus Dickus - Well I personally think if we ever were to call a miracle we would need to know the boundaries of nature, otherwise it would just be arguing from ignorance.

While perhaps not perfect, I think that would be a pretty good place to start.

ThePragmatic's picture
- "It's a miracle!"

- "It's a miracle!"


Attach Image/Video?: 

mykcob4's picture
A miracle would be if every

A miracle would be if every single person on Earth would wake up and stop believing that there is a god, and start owning up to their own shit. That would indeed be a miracle.

CyberLN's picture
What would convince me

What would convince me something was a miracle? I thought about this. I can only give the same answer I'd give if asked what would convince me of the existence of god(s): I don't know. I'd like to answer with the word "evidence ", but I don't know what that evidence would consist of. Every time I try to define it for myself, I counter it with, "well, that evidence could have been faked." It's a conundrum to be sure.

Pitar's picture
Invalid and pointless premise

Invalid and pointless premise for a "serious" inquiry. It insists a sole application of fantasy, in deference to all that is not, as the source for a response. It also appeals to the same source to define a miracle. It's this very source that has contrived all known/named gods inclusive of the currently revered deity all subscribe and hail to. It was a dangerous and delusional mistake in antiquity and has yet to redeem itself. Used in this thread it's click bait for the unguarded and more of the same to the watchful eye.

algebe's picture
"Any sufficiently advanced

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." -- Arthur C. Clarke

If I were living in AD17 instead of 2017, I'd think a plastic bottle or digital watch was a miracle.

Sky Pilot's picture
A cool miracle would be if

A cool miracle would be if all of humanity had a picnic on the moon at the same time without any special protection and if all of the galaxies aligned to spell out a message, such as "Have Fun".

Kataclismic's picture
I don't really know about

I don't really know about miracles but for evidence of the supernatural, it would have to be knowledge of my own thoughts. The knowledge of a specific place and point in time where a specific thought either breezed through my mind or had me in a distracted state of pondering. Something to that effect. That could convince me there are supernatural forces.

But just like Algebe's quote, who's to say computers won't have the power to read our minds one day? I'm confident they don't have that power today without having a sensor implanted under my skin, though, so absent any time machines I could be convinced. :)

Dave Matson's picture
What would it take for me to

What would it take for me to believe in a miracle?

I follow Carl Sagan's dictum that extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. A miracle would require evidence of such extraordinary magnitude as to make it more believable than the well tested laws of nature.

biggus dickus's picture
Ever heard of the miracle of

Ever heard of the miracle of the sun? If there was any evidence for religion it would probably be it.

Endri Guri's picture
A Miracle? Well if God popped

A Miracle? Well if God popped his head out from the fucking Sky for once and said something, that would be a miracle. I really find it weird (ironically) that there's not "Angel" or "Voice" showing up in the sky these 2000 years, of course, the only evidence of which is written in the Bible. But truth to truth, just because I don't understand something that's happening doesn't mean it's a Miracle, it just means that I am lacking a little more logic than the guy who figured it out.

xenoview's picture
One of the human created gods

One of the human created gods show us it's real, and not fiction.

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