Atheist Challenge:

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Cognostic's picture


"Cognostic, you are a chosen and precious stone! Let's allow the Spirit of God to chisel us today! God desires to smooth out our rough edges so that we will be built into a glorious Temple unto the Lord.

Your family in the Lord with much agape love,"


Cognostic's picture


"Hi Cognastic,

Sorry you experienced difficulty accessing the site. This is the correct answer. If indicated otherwise, I'd be equally confused! Anyway, you have one post as a newbie. Hope to have you continue with a couple more of them, and membership usually kicks in. Welcome to Worthy and God bless you!

Shalom, (NOT SURE WHAT ALL THE "SHALOM" SHIT IS ABOUT. Looks like this is a sect of Masonary Christians.) "We are the real Jews!"


Are you seriously insisting "Seven" is the correct answer? Can you possibly justify that answer BIBLICALLY" I am betting you can't.

boomer47's picture


"Shalom" ; perhaps Jewish or just a confused christian. (is 'confused christian' a redundant phrase?)

"Are you seriously insisting "Seven" is the correct answer? Can you possibly justify that answer BIBLICALLY" I am betting you can't."

.The correct answer is 42. Of course, I have no idea what the question might be.

Thought for the day: "If the answer is God, you are asking the wrong question" (Tarquin S Shagnasty)

David Killens's picture
Why should I click on the

Why should I click on the thumbs up or "praying for you" icon when the "Oy Vey" is available?

Oh Vey



Attach Image/Video?: 

Cognostic's picture
Now some asshole Eman_3 is

Now some asshole Eman_3 is inserting himself into the conversation... :-)

"The seventh day was once a day of rest, but now it is a celebration of love and all things NFL. Church all morning, then Go Bears."

WHAT A FICKING MORON: I am sure he can do better than that!!!

You do understand that what you have said does nothing at all to change the correct answer. God created the universe in 6 days. HE DID NO CREATING ON THE SEVENTH DAY. The people who wrote the question, obviously do not know their bible and it makes the site look silly when even the test questions are WRONG!

BESIDES THAT - BEARS SUCK - Bengals are going to take it all.

David Killens's picture
Now you did it Cog,I did piss

Now you did it Cog,I did piss my pants laughing.

It's fun being an asshole ;)

Fuck the Bengals

boomer47's picture


Plus there is a HUGE advantage: arseholes never die! Just read the death notices. When was the last time you saw something like;"Our father Joe Farnarkle finally died on Saturday at age 97. . He was a complete arsehole and we're glad he's dead"

Another fun fact from the deaths notices in my city; In the city of Adelaide and surrounds, people die in alphabetical order. Truly.

Ya know wot? I'm beginning to suspect my local paper may not be all that reliable.

Cognostic's picture

"Even 6 is wrong if you take the question literally. The earth was already in existence but without form, and empty or void before countable days became a factor."


"OH DAMN!    That's right, there are two contradictory creation stories that are not actually contradictory.   Good Point."

David Killens's picture
I have been slowly plodding

I have been slowly plodding through "Worthy Christian Forums", and IMO it is one sad place.

One lady who's hobbies are doing word search and baking made bald-ass lies, and I provided proof that completely crushed her statement, then asked her why she made her statement, and requested she explain why. Nothing. And when I pushed her, a whole bunch descended on me in defense of this lying piece of shit who does not own her actions and hides behind others. Honesty and accountability is not in her vocabulary. That action resulted in many demanding I apologize to her, I said "no way". I expect a ban. I was surprised this morning, expecting a ban notice that has not arrived.

Yet I was subjected to at least three ad hominen attacks by one individual, and no one did anything. Guys and gals thing I guess, it matters to worthy christians. But definitely not fair and equal treatment.

My latest action was yesterday criticizing Kayne West for owning a 747 and wedding someone who made a sex tape. Amazing, he shows up on Joel Osteen and suddenly all flock towards defending him. For some reason someone brought in the pedophile word, and ... this is really sad ... many held the position that just as long as one repents, all is forgiven. One even went as far as to state that if a pedophile repented, he would not have any problems with befriending the pervert.

I countered by stating that I hope he repented while serving a long jail term, and that I do not associate with pedophiles.

I shake my head at their lost morals, and cringe when I realize that I was once probably like that back in my theist days.

Cognostic's picture
Soooooo boring........ I

Soooooo boring........ I have not been back in a while though I get E-mail. I think I will post some of the paint shop alterations I have made and just freak everyone out/'

I want to go over and post the Jesus "Say no Truth" post and say "Some asshole on Atheist Republic posted this. Can you believe how lost some people are? Isn't this pure evil!"

possibletarian's picture
I got banned from

I got banned from even back in the days i was a christian, when i was really struggling to reconcile what i believed with the reality of the world around me. I think I'm still registered on worthy as a christian.

I went and had a peek a few months ago and i couldn't believe some of the arguments put forward, i think though what really got to me was that i used to use the same ones in defences of the gospel. It did me good to see how bad they were, and grateful that I never used the really bad ones.

It really does impair rational and honest critical thinking when the very core of how you view any argument is founded in a pre=belief in a god.

David Killens's picture
This is an update.

This is an update.

I have been in Worthy since the challenge began. I have kept low, just occasionally asking questions. But after two dozen visits, I feel dirty. Not at my actions, but because that forum is just crazy. They police it tighter than a North Korean political prisoner camp, while logic, rationality, and respecting real world evidence is non-existant.

Many in that forum are the dumb housewife, obviously ignorant, and possibly a little lacking in the brain cell department. Most posts carry a wall of scripture, and actually forming words and constructing rational arguments are very rare.

Which brings me to a hilarious episode just a few days ago. I commented that most just use scripture references for their argument, and one responded with .. wait for it .... a wall of scripture, and zero actual comment.

But my little journey into this crazy world has taught me a lot. Many are completely blind to reality, and no matter the evidence or sound the argument, they reject it if it conflicts with the scripture.

The second, and most important thing I learned is how it feels to be a lone person in a hostile environment, facing multiple angry posters. It is not a pleasant thing to experience. It is one thing to come in with guns blazing looking for a fight, I enjoy a good scrap. But I was acting like one just seeking rational debate, and you feel very lonely and vulnerable. Like a baby gazelle surrounded by a huge pack of starving hyenas.

So guys, I now know how it feels for a theist who comes into AR and is met with many hostile posters. I suggest that if the poster appears genuine and acts with integrity, please treat them with respect and gently, they do not know what they are doing.

But if they are the usual jerks and sock puppets, sharpen the knifes and go full Chuck Norris on them.


I doubt if I will return to that forum. When I was a theist I was never that heavily invested. So my visit to Worthy is an eye opener, akin to discovering how powerful a laxative is when you drink the entire bottle. Just too much crazy shit for me.

Grinseed's picture
I got really curious and had

I got really curious and had a little time so I just visited, an Oz website which came online 2012 and it appears the only person still there is the administrator who has disabled public comment after the latest contribution about pros and cons of car exhausts pipes. This typifies the hunger for online discussion of all things religious in Australia. There are more enthusiastic attended forums available to argue such things as the details of Bradman's illustrious cricket career and who was it who poisoned Phar Lap.
So I tried

The very first forum thread, 6205 pages, over 124,000 individual posts, of hair-splitting the single issue of 'faith and good works' since 2017 and the last 25 pages of heated dispute have been published in the last 24 hours with the OP still in there slugging it out for Jesus....'faith and good works' still not settled after 2000 years and 6205 pages of polite christian vitriol...which makes me realise they don't need atheists to debate, they have each other.
Why would they go to an atheist website to debate prickly realists who clearly don't give a shit about their fantasies when they can get their spiritual rocks off advertising their special knowledge of how and what their god thinks and chiding and pitying other christians who do not. Its a snapshot of a bizarre 'St Paul World Funpark', and they're still giving it to the Jews.

I now really appreciate the usual theist contributors who turn up here and even the drive bys.

edited to add post numbers

David Killens's picture
@ Grinseed

@ Grinseed

"I now really appreciate the usual theist contributors who turn up here and even the drive bys."

Yes, although now I make a serious effort to be kind to any theists who are sincere and honest. But as far as theistic forums, 99.99% is just masturbating to jesus.

ilovechloe's picture
I have been banned from

I have been banned from '' 4 times, mostly for defending LGBT rights.

Apparently, if you say anything positive about LGBT's, or try to correct the record about falsehoods that are promoted you are 'promoting homosexuality'.

David Killens's picture
As I stated in a previous

As I stated in a previous post, "They police it tighter than a North Korean political prisoner camp".

Kevin Levites's picture
I don't know if this counts,

I don't know if this counts, but I'm a member of a forum of Doomsday Preppers, as I have an interest in survival and prepping because of my EMS work as a paramedic (I was a relief worker with Humana and the Red Cross after Hurricane Andrew), and the website has an extremely conservative, deeply religious membership.

I've actually gotten into it with people on the forum about LBGTQ issues, gay scout masters, Christianity, and so forth.

I'm well-liked on the forum because I keep it civil when I attack religious issues. When talking about stuff like this, I follow certian rules:

1) Attack the issue, not the person.
2) I don't have a monopoly on absolute truth.
3) If I really have the courage of my convictions, then it doesn't hurt me to honestly and faithfully consider other peoples' points with an open mind.
4) I sincerely thank them for their time, effort, and knowledge in sharing their point of view with me.
5) I make sure that they know that I'm willing to change my mind if I'm wrong (And I am. I've been known to be wrong before).
6) I don't make assumptions about someone's character and/or integrity just because their beliefs are different from mine.

I have been labled as a radical liberal (which I guess I least by the standards of that forum), but I still get along. I actually learned a lot from that forum, and was happy I joined. Despite the heavily Christian nature of the forum, I've been welcomed as the token eccentric.


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