The Bible as hate speech?

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Henry Plantagenet's picture
The Bible as hate speech?

In the middle of all the hoopla over the Supreme Court rulings on gay marriage, there was one striking tweet:

Courageous. RT @toddstarnes: Won't be long before they outlaw the Bible as hate speech.
— @johnbrougher

The Bible? As hate speech? No way.


It’s not as though the Bible advocates the murder of gays and lesbians, or the murder of all ethnic groups who make the mistake of straying into the Holy Land, or hatred against Egyptians, Romans, Samaritans, Babylonians and Canaanites, or asserts that God approves of ethnic cleansing, genocide, slavery, and rape as an instrument of war, or the subjugation of women to the will of their husbands, or the murder of children.

Oh, wait….


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TW Duke's picture
An evil work and model for

An evil work, and model for hate speech since it's writing.

Zaphod's picture
As you stated above it is not

As you stated above it is not the Bible that does this. It is not the bible that "advocates the murder of gays and lesbians, or the murder of all ethnic groups who make the mistake of straying into the Holy Land, or hatred against Egyptians, Romans, Samaritans, Babylonians and Canaanites, or asserts that God approves of ethnic cleansing, genocide, slavery, and rape as an instrument of war, or the subjugation of women to the will of their husbands, or the murder of children" but rather what the people using the bible and making their own versions of the bible use it for. Like guns don't kill people, people kill people with guns. I for one would be a strong advocate of bible control if I could get paid to do it.

TW Duke's picture
I could be wrong , but I

I could be wrong , but I think he's saying the bible DOES advocate the above mentioned.

Henry Plantagenet's picture
Actually the Bible DOES say

Actually the Bible DOES say all that.

Zaphod's picture
My point is it's not the

My point is it's not the bible that says all that and I took a part of what you said not the whole of what you said to try making my point. But rather my point is that the people writing their various versions of the bible and taking its writtings how they want them to be understood to say all that. The bible officially never said anything. Like a gun, it has only been a tool. God did not write it, it was written by man. God as put forth in it and the idea of a holy or sacred book or scrolls themselves, have been used as a tool to create all this hate and back it up with an imaginary super being with imaginary powers so as to control people with speech but the bible itself and God both creations of man, in my opinion, couldn't really care less about hatred. I understood the point that the bibles are used for and are filled with hate speak, but which bible are you referring to? What version written by man is the offending bible.

The bibles at least all that I have read have also said things like love one another, do not kill, do not judge, and in Christian ones versions you may find them to say, do on to others as you would have them do on to you. The last of these called the Golden Rule can be found in many works and variations put forth like the bibles of Christianity for other religions by different deities. I find this interesting because most of these religions violate these rules and it would seem depending on how you interpret the bibles that they direct you to do so, I also find the Golden rule especially interesting because with most religions of the world, there is an example of Golden Rule. I feel it would be best said, treat people the way they want to be treated if you want to be treated the way you would like to be treated. However a narcissistic individual or sociopath may interpret it to mean treat people how you want them to treat you or to put it another way rape people if you want to be raped. I point this out to say the original scrolls the bibles were written on if ever it was written at all were lost and never recovered vastly re-translated and are nothing like what the original bible originally was. There has been much lost in translation and time. So even if there was once a God and the Bible was his holy book what we have now is not it but instead many works compiled and interpreted by many people over many years for ulterior motives, no doubt to in cases in appease the hatred of many in others to appease the hatred of few.

A tool nothing less nothing more, it is the men and women that use these tools that should be held accountable for how these tools are used if they use them in ways that cause harm to others. To get rid of these bibles would be a great disservice to humanity for many reasons like when books were often burned when civilizations have been overthrown in the past.I would be horrible to classify any work of literature regardless of content as hate speech even if it illustrates or advocates hate it would be ignorant to not consider where this literature came from as the actual speaker and to not consider everyone is biased to some degree when someone quotes a piece of literature.

Henry Plantagenet's picture
All of that is in the Bible.

All of that is in the Bible. The Bible is full of hate, directed at anyone who doesn't believe, and also a lot of the people that do believe. The Bible preaches that it is okay to kill people who are different, kill people who have a different religion or language or country, kill people who just want to be left alone to live their own lives their way, kill wives and children who don't toe the line that Daddy gives them. It celebrates genocide and the rape of foreign virgins and slavery as the God-approved policy of the Israelites.

Zaphod's picture
Yes but it's written by Man,

Yes but it's written by Man, it does all you say here but it also says a whole lot of other stuff and is is used by people to say things it does not. Eventually some of these things it does not say over time may be adopted into versions of the Bible.

Henry Plantagenet's picture
Yes, and Mein Kampf didn't

Yes, and Mein Kampf didn't say "kill the Jews" on every page but it's still a book loaded with hate.

Spewer's picture
No doubt the Bible is crammed

No doubt the Bible is crammed full of hate speech... But in the US, it should be protected under Amendment 1 nonetheless. Likewise, we are free to point it out.

Trevor's picture
The bile is the biggest hate

The bile is the biggest hate compilation I have ever read. It's all about what you have to do and the consequences of not doing it.

Armin's picture
Have you read the Quran?

Have you read the Quran?

James's picture
I actually have come to hand

I actually have come to hand with old bibles and they are full of hate speach against women, black people, and non believers. So if the bible is god's inspired word ur god is an asshole and if its man made there is no god.

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