Thinking about holding an Atheist day

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Lauren's picture
Thinking about holding an Atheist day

The more I think about this the more I want to do it. I would like to hold a gathering for Atheists in my area as a "annual Atheist day" type deal. I don't congregate with an atheist group and don't really want to but I think it would be great to at least gather a one time or even a couple times a year simply to share our beliefs and have a sense of unity. Currently I feel fairly detached when it comes to my beliefs since I do not meet or really speak with anyone about it and I realize how nice it would be to touch base with similar people in my area. Have any of you held such a gathering?

Not to mention I just posted detail about the most religious parts of the world and it was depressing to see where the US stands. Would be great to have an event like this in my community which is fairly religious.

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Rob's picture
I think someone mentioned in

I think someone mentioned in another post that April 1st is the national atheist day in the US, but isnt that also the famous April's Fools day?

It would be a hell of an ironic slap in the face for a lot of religious people who would probably feel offended by that too. They will think that atheists are so anti religious that they even take their own holiday as a joke.

Zaphod's picture
Ha! Not the first impression

Ha! Not the first impression I would get from April 1st as National Atheist Day though it was a funny joke and was chosen because of Psalm 14:1 or thereabout depending on the version you are reading {The fool hath said in his heart, "there is no God"}, but you are right for the reason you point out I am sure it may offend some religious people but it may actually humor more than it offends as they will get to say we are fools and openly admit it. Some religious people sure are more offended than others.

Zaphod's picture
I have never held such a

I have never held such a gathering but they are kind of held on the first Thursday in May, which also happens to be National Prayer Day, called National Day Of Reasoning it was Originally started by the American Humanist Association to coincide with National Prayer Day which they found to be unconstitutional because it ask the US Government on all levels to set aside time revenues and space to engage in religious activities. there are many organizations who partake in National Day of Reasoning activities which include food and blood drives as well as atheist celebrations and protest against National Prayer Day.

All this being said I say it should be celebrated in August, perhaps on the 16th because if this God so many religions speak of does exist, we are probably all going to hell so might as well make it the hottest time of year! Though I like April as its a time new life and rebirth and fertility. Rob was right by the way there has been some effort on Facebook due to Psalm 14:1 to get Atheist to celebrate National Atheist Day on April 1st. It is to be celebrated by or putting a giant A on your profile picture so everyone can know you are an Atheist, it further goes on to instruct you to pretend the day does not exist. It was chosen as a day to celebrate Atheist on April Fools day because Psalm 14:1 called us fools. Personally I don't care if someone thinks I am a fool for believing what I do and could proudly tout a giant A seeing the irony in the case of National Atheist Day being celebrated on April Fools Day. However, if you look into the reasoning behind the Facebook page suggesting we do this, you'll find the page says the day was set up as a time to laugh at Atheist and it goes on to say "Most of the popular Atheist are cowards. Those who are not cowards show themselves to be sub-moronic" I wonder if the person who set up this page even gets the 42 joke they reference. Because of its origin I do not want this to be National Atheist Day. I am always looking for something to do during the months of February, perhaps it could be celebrated on the 28th or maybe September 1st instead. Seriously I like August 16th because its the only day I mentioned that is not already a national day claimed by any nation as far as I know, but it is also the Day Elvis died. Elvis studied various religions but did not settle for one, his wife and child pratice Scientology. August 16th was also the day Madonna was born into a Catholic family but later in life she questioned Christianity enough to adopt a sect of Judaism called Kabalah. Futhermore many battles were held on that day and these can represent debate and the lives lost due to different belief structures this last bit might be a bit of a stretch.

What I wonder is, what sort of festivities would be held type desired for this National Atheist Day?

Walker's picture
I think the festivities could

I think the festivities could involve scientific discoveries and the general admiration for all things that have been successfuly proven to be real with solid logical explanations.

Zaphod's picture
Sounds cool! Like a science

Sounds cool! Like a science Fair?

Morri's picture
There is an atheist day

There is an atheist day already:

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