antony flew

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Syed Liyakhat Ali's picture
antony flew

world famous atheist became a believer in God ?what is the gaurenty that Ricchar dwakins will not become a believer in God in near futu r?

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debapriya's picture
why are you ransacking your

why are you ransacking your brains about things that have not happened as yet? think of all the things that are, there are so many of those.

Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Deb, this guy is just

Deb, this guy is just spamming, he does not even reply to the topic he starts.
Just ban him is the best options by far.

Ellie Harris's picture
He is merely trying to defend

He is merely trying to defend his concept of theism and atheism. His questions are being fielded by Debapriya. Banning people for questions isn't going to happen.

Jeff Vella Leone's picture
well it takes a certain level

well it takes a certain level experience I bet to recognize spammers from honest questions.

If I ask a question, I wont create multiple topics with similar questions and then not dare answer them.

If you find a single reply that he made after asking the questions and receive answers then and only then you would be entitled to claim that "He is merely trying to defend his concept of theism and atheism."

Until then I must say that you are making an unfunded claim out of pure lack of experience in what spammers do.

Exactly like this guy did.

Ellie Harris's picture
So you want him banned

So you want him banned because the blogger responded and he had no follow up questions Jeff?

Ellie Harris's picture
"Select Atheist Republic

"Select Atheist Republic bloggers and writers have opened themselves to any questions that the community have and wish to debate on."-
Notice the word "any," Jeff. Asking or debating an AR writer doesn't break any of these guidelines

1. No trolling
2. No spamming
3. No unrelated topics
4. No scams
5. No racism
6. No homophobic, or sexist comments
7. No non-English posts
8. No links to gory pictures or harmful websites
9. No threats of harm
10. No advertising or self-promotion

Jeff Vella Leone's picture
2. No spamming

2. No spamming
Is being broken

if you do not understand the meaning of spamming then you have issues.

If I go and fill a forum with a bunch of topics that have a rhetorical question in them.
That are just to poke people and fill the list of topics with similar topics.

I consider that as spamming the forum.

You might have a different definition and your opinion is respected but has no contribution at all to the forum since it hinders the quality of the forum.

Do you think I replied like that because this is his first topic?
Go check his other topics and see that he never replies to his topics and after some of his topics are replied(by myself included), he just creates a new topic with the same question ignoring the replies.

He is not interested in an answer, he already knows the answer, it is in the question itself.

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larrymartin's picture
Antony Flews conversion to

Antony Flews conversion to belief in God is intriguing but predicting Richard Dawkins future beliefs is uncertain. Time will unveil the journey of each individuals convictions.
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