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doubleAtheist's picture

This site has alot of opinions on alot of different views, not sure if the views on circumsision has been addressed or not..

My views: I am against circumsision of a child, anyone can get a circumsision if they want to, but mutalating a voiceless child never made sense to me, they do not give pain meds to the baby for the reason that they will not remember the pain... Which is a horrible argument.

Circumsision takes away from sexual pleasure, cutting off the most sensitive part of the male genetalia will result in less enjoyable sex.

What are your views on circumsision? Thank GOD im not circumsized...o wait...

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ThePragmatic's picture
If you ask me, the correct
doubleAtheist's picture
I agree 100%
hermitdoc's picture
To set the record straight,
doubleAtheist's picture
Thanks for your input, do you
Nyarlathotep's picture
Sam - "As for the religious
hermitdoc's picture
Given that prevention of
ThePragmatic's picture
@ Sam
hermitdoc's picture
I agree that to do it based
doubleAtheist's picture
Is there any other way to get
hermitdoc's picture
Not to my knowledge. As it
ThePragmatic's picture
@ Sam
hermitdoc's picture
Sorry about the bad link.

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