Need help on addressing a religious problem in my schoo.

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Johnathan Graham's picture
Need help on addressing a religious problem in my schoo.

So my school has a teacher that has the ten commandments posted in her class on the wall right by the door. Now, if I remember correctly this is illegal if you don't have other religions posted along side with it. But, I'm not sure. So I was hoping somebody could provide a correct citation that verifies this.

Next, my school has a poster posted that says "Remember get good grades and pray to god to stay as a good person" or something like that. I'm 99% this shits illegal with the correlation of prayer = good person. Not praying = bad person. I'm going to go to my principal to get this taken down because its just offensive. I'm looking for a citation that I can provide for this as well.

I also live in Indiana if that helps any. I just can't for the life of me find any citations for these. So that's why I'm looking for your help.
Thanks for your time!

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