Omar from Pakistan

Message: I cant really show my face while holding this sign because I can literally be killed or lynched just writing down my religious opinion or just exposing my sexuality (I am Gay). I've been an Atheist for more than 2 years although it was a painful process because growing up in an extremely religious family that's all we learn since childhood. My first wake up call was a mob lynching of two brothers in 2010 in a Pakistani City Sialkot, although motives were not religious but it opened a whole new Pandora box of questions in my head that how could a God let that happened and so on, it was extremely brutal and beyond any violence I could ever imagined, I began to study history, religion and other subjects to enhance my knowledge and to better understand my sexuality and the world around me, it opened a whole new chapter in my life and I was able to understand how religious was just a tool to control human beings. In 2014 there was a grand massacre of more than 160 children in a Pe shawar School of Pakistan that was the last nail in the coffin for my religious believes it was a very emotional day I was sitting in my office but keep rushing to the rest room because i couldn't stop crying. I think being an atheist is one of the best thing ever happens to me I am no more a mentally slave to some imaginary God.. I cant came out to family because (nor as a homosexual or as an atheist) they are very deeply religious and I am the only earning hand they have so it would be very selfish of me to tell them and destroy everything. My only wish and hope is that I just get out of this awful country and start a new life and financially help my family from a safe distance.

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