Christians Perform Exorcism Publicly Outside Starbucks in Texas

Public Exorcism

A Reddit user posted a video last week of what appears to be an exorcism that took place publicly outside a Starbucks coffee shop in Austin, Texas. The source, who goes by the name Umgar, said this particular coffee shop is frequented by religious individuals who meet for Bible studies or prayer meetings on a regular basis, but this gathering, unlike any other, was quite a shocker.

“This is the first time I’ve seen something like this though,” Umgar wrote. “I watched for a while besides what’s on the video because at first I thought it was a joke, prank, or film project — nope!”

In the short video clip, which was first posted on Vidme and then shared on Reddit, one can see a group of people sitting around a man who appears to be in a trance. Gradually, the people around him start invoking Jesus’ name and chanting other spells that seemingly attempt to get rid of an evil spirit inside him.

“All your legions of poison. All your legions out — out. All your legions of poison out! In Jesus’ mighty name,” one individual in the group can be seen telling the entranced individual. “By the blood of Jesus Christ you have no legal ground to be in here … you have to leave … you can’t trespass on the cross!”

The supposedly possessed man is seen spitting into a cup, as those around him continue to conduct the deliverance ceremony.

Umgar, who does not personally believe in the theological tenets surrounding exorcisms, said he hung around the scene for a while after finishing the shoot for his video, only to find out that the people in it actually did believe they had participated in an exorcism.

“I can tell you that these guys really believed they were exorcising a demon,” he wrote. “Not a student film project, prank, or social experiment. Just the [B]ible belt.”

Photo Credit: Wikimedia

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