Christmas Placards Posted Anonymously Stir Controversy

Christmas Placards

Just like in previous years, placards emblazoned with the phrase “It’s Okay to Say Merry Christmas” have been cropping up in Redmond, Washington once again. This time though, the green coloured yard signs have been installed outside a school in Bellevue, before Seattle City Hall, outside an American postal distribution facility in Redmond and even next to a mosque. In addition to the aforementioned phrase, the placards also display a passage from the Bible and a picture of the nativity scene.

There is no indication of the person or the organization that has installed them. Since the placards are on public property, in the past, Redmond has said that they are an act of free speech.

Speaking to the media, a Muslim community leader said that he finds no reason to be upset with the signs.

“When I look at it, personally, as well as what is written on the sign, it shouldn't bother Muslims at all," said Mahmood Khadeer, president and co-founder of the Muslim Association of Puget Sound (MAPS).

However, another Muslim man, who did not wish to be identified, said that the placards offend him as they seem to intimidate followers of Islam in a Christian-majority nation.

While Khadeer said that he understands how certain individuals may feel differently, he also clarified that those in his mosque do not share such sentiments.

“If they would have some offensive comments on it, something like that, then I should be worried about it,” he said. “The way I look at the sign, it's okay to say Merry Christmas, and I think it is okay to say Merry Christmas.”

Khadeer said that MAPS shares a warm relationship with local Christians, as his mosque has frequently tied up with nearby churches on projects related to feeding the homeless.

“I wish them a Merry Christmas,” he ended enthusiastically.

Photo Credits: The Blaze

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