George Bush Says He Read the Bible Every Day of His Presidency

George Bush

While speaking at a Dallas event that was intended to raise awareness about the upcoming Museum of the Bible in Washington DC, former President George W. Bush told approximately 200 civic and business leaders that the Bible was an important part of his daily life as a president.

“I read the Bible every day during my presidency," said Bush, who shared the stage with Hobby Lobby President and Museum of the Bible Chairman Steve Green. “The easiest time to be faithful is during a time of crisis. The hardest time for faith is when all is well. Faith informed my principles and decisions, but not my tactics. It would give me strength, but I didn't use my faith to make decisions. Freedom is a faith informed principle.”

Cary Summers, who is in charge of operations at the Museum of the Bible, told local media that the event held on November 2 was meant to serve as a get together for influential civic and business leaders who share a common interest in learning more about their religion.

“Two similar events have been held in Oklahoma City this year, and we will be holding similar events in other cities across the nation over the next few years,” Summers added.

Bush also congratulated Green for his idea to create the Bible museum, saying it will serve as a place where people of all faiths feel comfortable. Talking of its strategic location, Bush said this particular museum would only add to the many jewels that are already located at Washington DC, also known as the “museum capital of the world.”

Photo Credits: Praise World Radio

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