Jesus Visits Sarah Silverman to Discuss Women’s Reproductive Rights

Sarah Silverman to Discuss Women’s Reproductive Rights

In her latest video, standup comedian Sarah Silverman uses Jesus Christ as a platform to discuss women’s health, an issue she has been vocal about in recent times.

In the video that went up on Youtube on January 21, Silverman describes a time when a Jewish boy showed up in her living room and requested her to serve as a vessel for his word. They hung out, watched NCIS and spoke about the mysteries of life – for instance, when life really begins.

“At 40!” Jesus joked. But then on a serious note, he said, “Fertilized eggs aren't people, people are people. But people who believe fertilized eggs are people are people too. You have to love them. You're not better than them.”

In the video, one can see how Silverman’s hanging out with Jesus allows her to clarify several assumptions about religion and law.

Highlights of the video include God’s son introducing himself as “Jesus Fucking Christ,” a cartoon where a guy gets a wand of sorts tangled in his testicles as well as Silverman’s attempt at promoting women’s reproductive rights in the United States.

Predictably, the video sparked much controversy and several Youtube users took great offense to this otherwise educative video that does take a jab at religion from time to time:

“This is one of the most offensive commercials I’ve ever seen! How dare you use our Savior Jesus Christ in your idiotic commercial. Shame on you! You owe Christians and Jesus himself an apology,” posted a user, only 30 minutes after the video was posted on Youtube.

Photo Credits: Joan Garvin

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