Kentucky: Woman Assaults Disabled Man for Denying God

Laura Reid

A woman in Louisville, Kentucky was arrested last month for assaulting and robbing a disabled man after he jokingly denied God’s existence.

WDRB 41 Louisville News

According to her arrest warrant, the incident took place on October 20, when 49-year-old Laura Reid decided to visit her victim at his residence. When Reid asked the man whether he believed in God, he jokingly replied with a no, said police officials. That is when Reid got furious and picked up a metal cane to beat the disabled man on his head and body. Reportedly, she hit him so hard that the metal cane broke into pieces. After assaulting him, Reid stayed back for three long hours and when she left, she took away her victim’s keys, cell phone, $50 as well as his wallet containing credit cards.

Due to his disability, the man was not able to escape sooner but he eventually crawled his way to a nearby gas station, where police officials and emergency medical services were called immediately. The victim was then rushed to St Mary and Elizabeth Hospital, where doctors treated his injuries, including a concussion, multiple cuts, bruises, abrasions as well as a broken arm.

Investigators found that Reid already knew her victim. Even though her arrest warrant was issued on October 29, she was arrested months later on January 5 at the Hall of Justice. While she has been charged with first degree unlawful imprisonment, second degree assault and second degree robbery, she continues to be held on a $500,000 bond. Many have opined that Reid must be tried for having carried out a hate crime as well since she evidently attacked her victim upon discovering he may be an atheist.

Photo Credits: World Now

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