Rapper Kanye West Replaces God in Bible to Help Society Self-Reflect

The Book of Yeezus

The co-author of a new Bible that replaces God with Kanye West’s name recently defended the self-published book as an exhibition of celebrity status in today’s day and age. The writer explained his idea behind The Book of Yeezus during an interview with The Christian Post, where he requested for his identity not to be revealed. The Book of Yeezus has obviously provoked the ire of some believers who believe the publication is offensive to Christianity and they have gone on to label it blasphemous. Throughout the pages of the book, subtitled ‘A Bible for the Modern Day,’ the name of rapper Kanye West is seen replacing God.


The co-author of the new Bible tried to explain that this was done in an attempt to show how the growing phenomenon of celebrity worship has replaced the traditional practice of spiritualism. He reiterated several times that that was the point the book was trying to make and nothing else.

“So we're not casting any judgments, we're simply shining a light on this and the fact people are making their own interpretations and their own judgements – that was the intention,” he said. “We wanted people to reflect on that part of society, which is not to say that we believe it's good or it's bad – that's open to interpretation and that was the intention.”

He also clarified that the reason he and his two brothers authored The Book of Yeezus was not because they personally worshipped West as a religious figure.

“You know, we all appreciate Kanye's music, I think to a certain extent we all admire him as a popular cultural figure and that's no small feat for any individual. To say that we are 100 percent devoted to him in a religious worshipping way is probably inaccurate and a great overstatement - that was never our intention,” he explained.

In addition, he said he understands why some Christians may be upset with the book, explaining that they do have a justifiable reason to feel offended. However, he also believes at the same time that their personal views on religion are not convincing enough to make him want to apologize for the new publication. He appealed to readers to look upon the new Bible as an interventionist art piece, a piece of work that has derived new meaning from its old content after it was twisted to appeal to the modern generation. He also said he wants readers to understand the irony portrayed through The Book of Yeezus, which elevates West to the post of God, something that the rapper himself has done in the past.

“Not only does this guy call himself a God and not only is he incredibly egotistical but in a way the irony is that he's kind of right. Because he has come to a place where ... the role that God has played in our lives our spiritual figures have been replaced by media icons … we found Yeezus or Kanye to fill that void,” he said.

Photo Credits: The Holywood Reporter

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