
7 Arrested For Throwing Pork & Pages Of Quran At Mosques in India

On April 21, seven individuals were arrested in Uttar Pradesh, a state in Northern India, concerning the desecration of several mosques. According to the local police, the suspects wanted revenge for the violent clashes in Jahangirpuri during the Hanuman Jayanti parades.

The suspects threw torn pages of the Quran and pig meat, attacking two mosques in Ghosiyana and Kashmiri Mohalla. The suspects also desecrated Gulab Shah Baba, a local Mazar.

Both items used in the attacks are considered offensive by the Muslims.

Far-Right Dutch Politician Suspended from Twitter for Tweet Attacking Islam

Twitter suspended the account of a far-right Dutch politician citing violations of its rules against hateful conduct. The social media giant also deleted the tweet that triggered the suspension.

On April 19, known anti-immigration politician Geert Wilders lost access to his Twitter account. Bloomberg reported that Twitter suspended Wilders’ account after responding to a tweet from Shehbaz Sharif, the Prime Minister of Pakistan.

French Court Rejects Government Order to Forcibly Close Mosque

On April 26, France's highest administrative court rejected the Interior Ministry's appeal to continue closing down a mosque. The Conseil d'Etat, on Tuesday, dismissed an appeal that will challenge the previous suspension of a closure order.

The Interior Ministry has been shutting down mosques all over France, citing radicalization concerns.

State-Enforced Starvation: Moroccans Arrested for Eating During Ramadan

On Wednesday, April 27, Moroccan police raided a cafe in Casablanca and arrested individuals eating and drinking during the daytime. The detained individuals were accused of breaking their fast during Ramadan.

Morocco, a Muslim-majority country, is observing the month of Ramadan, which runs from April 1 to May.

US Panel Recommends Sanctioning India Over Religious Freedom Violations

For the third year, the United States panel on international religious affairs recommended labeling India as one of the "countries of particular concern." The report accuses India and other countries of engaging or tolerating "systematic, ongoing, and egregious violations" of religious rights.
