
Polish Metal Musician Found Guilty Of ‘Offending Religious Feelings’

The frontman of Behemoth, an extreme metal band in Poland, was found guilty of “offending religious feelings" after he shared an image of himself in September 2019 standing on a photo of the Virgin Mary. The Warsaw court convicted Musician Adam “Nergal” Darski within only a few days of the charges being brought against him.


Indian Court Rules: Muslim Girls Can Marry After Reaching Puberty

According to ‘Muslim Personal Law,’ a Muslim girl is free to marry anyone of her choice once she reaches puberty. The Indian High Court recently upheld this law.

The court’s ruling came after a Muslim couple filed with the court, pleading for protection from threatening relatives. Family members were opposed to their marriage due to the significant age difference between them. They sought protection from the Mohali Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP).


Five Arrested For Threatening Teen Who Said “Islam is a ‘S**t’ Religion”

Police recently arrested five people for making death threats against the French teenager who said Islam is a ‘shit’ religion in a viral video.

Mila, the teenage girl (her last name is kept private), previously defended her intense atheist beliefs on French television after she offended Islam. During one outburst, she said the Quran is ‘full of hate.’

