Atheist News | Op-Ed

News happens all the time and atheists can provide unique perspectives on news-making events. Here you will find uncensored opinions and editorials by the Atheist Republic team from a variety of locations around the world. Do you have something you'd like to say? Join the Atheist Republic team and make your voice heard!

Kentucky high school student, who is avoiding vaccines, has filed a suit against Health Department after state officials banned him from school.

Damares Alves, Brazil’s “Minister of Human Rights, Family and Women,” thinks gender equality will lead to an increase of violence against women.

Church leaders believe the tax bill passed in 2017 inadvertently instituted a tax on houses of worship and now they want to change that.

After the report about sexual misconduct across the Southern Baptist denomination was revealed, many churches have been linked with sex-abuse cases.

A poll conducted through the AHA and the Centre for Freethought Equality showed improvement in the perception of the non-religious candidates.

An atheist family won in a recent discrimination case against Bowen islan Montessori School in  British Columbia, Canada.

Former notorious gang leader, Rene Martinez, is now praying, preaching, teaching and baptizing people on the streets for Jesus.

Prominent Southern Baptist leader removed from his position as seminary president after he made controversial remarks about abused women.

During American Atheists national convention, which will take place April 19-21, The Creationists at Answers in Genesis will hold their own event.

Man strangled woman in his basement because “God told him he needed to kill someone and that he would be able to resurrect them.”