Lee Myers' Blog

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I grew up in East Texas and now resides in San Antonio. I am the grandson of a Pentecostal preacher and have a sister who is a born again Christian. I am also the proud father of a twelve year old daughter. I studied for my AA while living in Seattle, focusing on mathematics, journalism and philosophy. It was during this time that I studied the religions of Islam, Buddhism and Taoism. Each of them seemed just as empty as any other religion. I have been a member of the online atheist community for over ten years.

Fri, 01/25/2013 - 17:40

Many Muslims just don’t know logic and so they regurgitate the fallacies they hear from Islamic apologists and post fallacy filled Youtube videos. By reviewing and explaining some of the most common fallacies used in one of the most commonly posted videos, maybe, just maybe, Muslims might actually stop being so fallacious. Or at least learn to recognize fallacies when they hear them.
