Atheists of Catalonia (and Spain)

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Eric Barrantes Furriol's picture
Atheists of Catalonia (and Spain)

We have reactivated the "Ateus de Catalunya"'s social media. We are looking for some international support to gain some influence. In change, we offer mutual support, of course. Can you help us (just sharing our posts/tweets in English)? Thank you!


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ZeffD's picture
In case you don't know: there is a Humanist group in Valencia now.
(En caso de que no lo sepas, ahora hay un grupo humanista en Valencia.)

Eric Barrantes Furriol's picture
Thank you, we are in touch

Thank you, we are in touch with them, by they are almost not alive.

Eric Barrantes Furriol's picture
Even though we would like

Even though we would like some help, we are growing up and we need some "promotion" in the international world :)

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