Church of England attendance figures

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ZeffD's picture
Church of England attendance figures

The proportion of the population attending Sunday services now is only around one third of that in the early 1960s.

The Church said that even though some congregations have been growing strongly – primarily new evangelical “church plants” – the overall gains were being wiped out by the sheer demographic effect of older worshippers dying.

The Archbishop is wrong, as usual. There isn't an "anti-Christian culture" in the UK. Sadly, the opposite is true - most people find CofE quite innocuous and some seem nostalgic about it. Complacency has led to the persistence of faith schools which help to spread indoctrination into sects, religious superstition and even Creationism.

The good news is that religion is steadily declining in the UK and Eire, though I feel unthinking respect for religion is persistent.

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Cognostic's picture
Even better News - It is also

Even better News - It is also declining in the USA - EMPTY PEW SYNDROME

Big Fat Heretic's picture
This is certainty good news!

This is certainty good news! Also, the Internet is where
religions come to die.

I hope someday to see the graveyard of all religions.

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