Don’t you hate Christian drivel / rhetoric?

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ImFree's picture
Don’t you hate Christian drivel / rhetoric?

Does this kind of talk make you roll your eyes:

“as many as possible come to Christ”

“boys and girls turning to Christ with whole hearts”

“becoming TRUE sold out disciples of the Master. Hallelujah!”

“we were thankful for God’s care. Thankful that we didn’t have an accident. Thankful that the tires stayed inflated until we got off the expressway.”

Sometimes I am just not in the mood to listen to such crap. Wouldn’t it be funny to do what this guy did to shut this bible-thumper down:

Apparently he got tired of being the one listening and looking for an escape and reversed roles.

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Mr secular's picture
Indeed. ._.

Indeed. ._.

Zaphod's picture
Ah man, the list is endless

Ah man, the list is endless but yes I think Christians get a special place somewhere near the top of this list for me.

ex-christian_atheist's picture
I do. I hear it all the time.

I do. I hear it all the time. Seems like nothing can be said around here without people bringing God into it. I mean, I couldn't care less what people believe. Let them have there little believies if it makes them feel good. But I sometimes I just really wish the beliefs were more diverse so that in public, people would just keep it secular. With over 90% of people (an estimation, but I can easily gaurantee it's that high) being christians in my area, its "Jesus, Jesus, God, God" all day every day. I want to pull my hair out sometimes.

ThePragmatic's picture
That was an interesting

That was an interesting approach, at least against loud intrusive preaching. :)

ImFree's picture
Most times such people seek

Most times such people seek captive audiences. Maybe where this woman preached was a gathering area like a bus stop and the guy finally had enough.

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