Help! I'm being forced to participate in Lutheran practices.

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itslennhere's picture
Help! I'm being forced to participate in Lutheran practices.

I'm an atheist, but my parents are Lutheran. I've come out to them as an atheist multiple times, but each time they've told be to 'just give it some time'. I was forced into Lutheran confirmation, and now I am being forced to be an acolyte. As an acolyte, I will have to hold the cross, and walk up through the church with the cross in my hand, take communion (which I have refrained from doing the past 2 years), and sing the songs given to me, as well as say the Apostles Creed, which I don't believe in. I really don't want to go through with this. What should I do?

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SonOh1's picture
Is it your parents who are

Is it your parents who are forcing you to become an acolyte?
Kudos for respecting your parents and their religion. I think you should talk to them one on one (or one on two) and tell them that you have been respecting their wishes but you would like them to respect yours more. Let them know how you feel about being an acolyte -embarrassment, displacement, anger etc. Come up with three or five good reasons you do not want to become an acolyte and practice saying them so that you do not get nervous and give in. You might want to bring up becoming an adult and learning to make decisions on your own.
It's okay to let your emotions out when you're talking to your parents, I remember when I told my parents I didn't want to go to religious class any more. I was balling my eyes out and that really helped to get the message through.

Be strong, I hope the best for you.

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