The Hobbit and the Bible, Evidence (lack thereof)

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Austin Hodge's picture
The Hobbit and the Bible, Evidence (lack thereof)

Whenever I would ask a christian what proof there is to their religion, they would simply respond "because it's in the bible!" Well, by that same logic, everything in the Hobbit is true because it says so in the Hobbit. My point is: the religious don't really supply evidence to their claims, and yet when scientists *do* apply evidence to their claims, nobody believes them! Why!? Scientists and researchers have given clear evidence that religion is false, and yet people still believe in those religions. I just don't understand, why can't people open their eyes to the evidence presented to them? What are your opinions on this?

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CyberLN's picture
No one does anything without

No one does anything without a payoff of some sort. The payoffs for the religious are many and varied. They gennerally will tell you straight up what those payoffs are when asked...forgiveness, leadership, community, it's easy, etc.

ThePragmatic's picture
For those who believe

For those who believe literally, I'd say:

1. Accepting scientific evidence is not an option, as part of their world view has to collapse. This has multiple consequences:
- It would mean leaving the social comfort.
- It would destroy their identity, or at least part of it, and that is scary.
- The people they have trusted have either lied or been fooled themselves.
- All the time and energy spent on this false belief has been wasted.

2. Indoctrination: Many have been indoctrinated from a young age, before they could mentally defend against the nonsense. This programming can be extremely hard to undo.

4. It's easy. It's easier to believe then to really understand, or to accept that we do not know all the answers.

Alembé's picture
Hi The Pragmatic,

Hi The Pragmatic,

I see that we covered some of the same points. Was not plagarising, just composing and typing at the same time.

ThePragmatic's picture
No worries. :)

No worries. :)
I would not call it plagiarising at all, but instead: Reaching the same conclusion.

Alembé's picture
Hi Austin,

Hi Austin,

You ask,"...why can't people open their eyes to the evidence presented to them?"

Well, if they did, they would then have to admit and accept that they were wrong. That (probably) their parents were wrong, that all their religious friends and teachers/ministers/rabbis/etc. are also wrong. Nobody likes to admit they they are/were wrong. Some people cannot admit it.

My in-laws are very religious. Their religion defines their sense of self, their identity and their world view. To deny their religion would be devastating to them. We have people on here who went through this process; their posts illustrate the mental turmoil many go through to become an atheist.

I was not very religious when I became an atheist, but it still took me several months to come to terms with it.

Nordic Fox's picture
I've said something very

I've said something very similar before! Tempted to start a church for Frodo our savior (though that's the trilogy, the aftermath of the Hobbit of course!) just to see what would happen.

Then again, that may not be a good idea. A thousand years from now, people may worship Frodo and kill people for 'supporting the great Sauron'. I don't think Tolkien would be happy with me for that!

Great post, great examples. Stay awesome!

ThePragmatic's picture
Depending on the social

Depending on the social situation, conformity might be a good explanation for part of the relentless denial of evidence.
This is an interesting video on that subject.

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