I'm in deep dodo

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Ronaldo Martinez's picture
I'm in deep dodo

My mother wanted me to "go back to god" and she says the I'm "a Christian and a catholic" in reality I'm an Atheist. She told me a "story" that god save me from death and brought me to life. I was born "clinically dead" or so she told me in the early 1970's and she told me she prayed to god to "bring me to life" after I was born. I don't believe it.

Any advice?

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watchman's picture
dangerman ...

dangerman ...

I think you need to ask your mother some questions......

Like ...was a midwife present ? or perhaps a doctor ? ..... anaesthetist ?

if so ...just why does she think jehova was in the room ? ... and why does she think he/it did anything that was more efficacious than what the medics were doing ?

what does she think is so special about her (or indeed you) that an all powerful deity would concern himself with your safe entry into the world...isn't this a trifle arrogant.

(Note .... I would ask these questions through a closed door)

I always remember the Chilean miner coming out of the pod that they were rescued in...... several of the went straight across to a guy in a frock carrying a crucifix on a stick and offered thanks.......... I was shouting at the TV ,"thank the bloke with the spanner not thr prat with the cross."

Pitar's picture


"I was shouting at the TV ,"thank the bloke with the spanner not thr prat with the cross."

LOL. I do the same thing. When people say their grace prayers I ask if they're thanking their employers or the mythical figure in their heads - selectively of course. Wouldn't want to upset a sensitive ninny's cheese and macaroni moment.

Regarding the "deep dodo", I'm not connecting it with your mom. How old are you? I'm guessing 40+? There shouldn't be any of that concern from you at this point. She's the one who cannot resolve it for herself, not you. She's the one who cannot accept you for not aligning yourself with her brainwashed belief. Seems to me she's the one who's digging the hole for herself, not you. Just try not to crap in it while she's down there.

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