Many atheists are too optimistic

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Mozart Link's picture
Many atheists are too optimistic

I am an atheist and I don't think atheism is all that it is made out to be. I think atheists who find meaning and value in this life of mortality and suffering through their atheism are being way too optimistic. They tell you that your life can still have full meaning despite it being the one and only life we have which unfortunately happens to consist of much suffering. I just think that is way too optimistic and unrealistic.

There are many people in this world who go through suffering to such a great degree that it is beyond your comprehension. A severely crippled treatment resistant depressed person will struggle with severe crippling depression and be on the brink of suicide throughout his/her life and here you are telling him/her that he/she can still have love, joy, happiness, inspiration, and good meaning in his/her life. That his/her life can be so wonderful even while struggling with that crippling depression.

Another example. A person will go through severe suffering, find no good meaning in his/her life, never got the chance to inspire the world or do anything great in their lives, and then just die shortly afterwards with no eternal blissful afterlife as a reward for his/her misery and meaningless life. You atheists are just blindly and ignorantly leaving out the suffering and meaningless lives of other people. It is no different than how many religious people are also too optimistic as well. They also blindly and ignorantly leave out the suffering of others.

The greatest and most innocent caring people in this world will be born into this world only to have so much suffering, depression, and lack of meaning in their lives and to just die in the end. And all of this because they were simply "unfortunate." We deserve better than that. We deserve an eternal blissful life of no more suffering created here on Earth through science in the future and for science to resurrect people such as me who have missed out on all the meaning of this life so we can live this eternal blissful life in the future.

It is like they say. It is often pessimists who see the truth while optimists tend to be blind. So I can clearly see the truth here. That being, there is nothing good at all about this being the one and only life we have. It might be for some people. But for many others, it consists virtually of suffering and the absence of good meaning. Both atheism and religious belief have their upsides and downsides. But the way I see it, atheism has the far greater downside when it comes to those types of unfortunate people I mentioned.

In conclusion, many people would say to me that it is impossible to create an eternal blissful life through science in the future and to resurrect people who have died and rotted away. But science has been achieving many things that we once thought were impossible in the past. Therefore, we shouldn't give up on trying to create an eternal blissful life and to resurrect those who have missed out. Even if it is somehow impossible to achieve this, then at least it was the greatest intellectual challenge for scientists to try and achieve it.

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Capt.Bobfm's picture
Missed the point entirly.

Missed the point entirly.

Stu. K.'s picture
Just a thought that I haven't

Just a thought that I haven't put much thought into, is it possible that there is no point of associating this with religion? This is more of a per-human thing, as opposed to a per-religion thing? Of course religion does influence it, but its definitely not the only reason or anything.

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