Now look here....

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tesshowington's picture
Now look here....

Your kids just happen to be playing with mine. You conversationally say, "what church do you go to?" I honestly reply, "None. It's not my thing." Astonished you say, "Are you an atheist?" I look you in the eye and calmly reply, "Yes." Just because I say I'm an atheist, it does not mean you get to immediately launch into your dogma diatribe. I didn't ask for this discussion. And I didn't appreciate the veiled threat that you look forward to talking to me next time and will bring your Bible.

Yeah, I got THAT annoyed today. Annoyed enough to make a CafePress shirt of this for the next person who thinks it's acceptable to proselytize a stranger just trying to have a nice day at the lake with her kids.

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ImFree's picture
I do understand how you feel.

I do understand how you feel. I've had family I quit seeing because they would not quit proselytizing. One time I was visiting and we were having a meal. My uncle starts questioning my beliefs and one of my cousins leaves the table because of my secular responses to my uncle’s religious questions. Several years later when he was on his deathbed I declined to go see him or attend his funeral. I refused to be put in a situation where I would be verbally pummeled with their emotional religious outbursts.

ImFree's picture
It would be funny if you ever

It would be funny if you ever see her again with her bible in hand if you had this video on a tablet and asked her to answer some of the questions it highlights:

Her response to this one would be funny also:

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