Um, this is embarrassing. Please help.

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Seenyab4's picture
Um, this is embarrassing. Please help.

So I'm not sure this is THE appropriate place for it, but I need some advice. The advice I require isn't about religion or non-religion, it's actually about a speeding ticket. As some of you know I am only sixteen and I've just recently acquired my drivers license. Today I unfortunately let my mood get the better of me and drove angry. I was going 62 in a 45 zone. I am absolutely terrified as to the possible repercussions my parents will impose on me. I'm at there mercy, but I was wondering if you guys could possibly give me any advice to soften the blow.

Thank you guys. Again I realize this might not be an appropriate place for a discussion like this, but I'd like to try all the same. I am pretty desperate.

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Nyarlathotep's picture
I think your topic is well

I think your topic is well placed on the forums.

How to soften the blow? I we don't know your parents or your families financial situation: but perhaps if you figure out a way to deal with the legal/financial repercussions of the ticket on your own, it might make it look like you are dealing with your issue in an adult manner. Perhaps community service is an option, or a payment arrangement with the city with you working a job to pay for it (like I said I don't know your situation). Try to already have a plan on how you are going to deal with your problem and include this when you talk to them.

CyberLN's picture
In a word: humility.

In a word: humility.

algebe's picture
Well I don't know your

Well I don't know your parents, but mine were quite reasonable under similar circumstances when I was 16, and I actually caused an accident. Fortunately no-one was hurt, but another car was damaged. My father went with me to apologize and paid for the damages, though I had to pay it back from my part-time earnings. My mother didn't want me to drive any more, but my father overruled that.

Your parents might surprise you. They were young once, and they've probably made a mistake or two as well, believe it or not.

Pitar's picture
Ah, the prolific 16 y/o

Ah, the prolific 16 y/o brickyard veteran driving up insurance rates for everyone.

Mine was 37 on a 25 MPH neighborhood road on the day I got my license in an Olds 442. I'm pretty sure that car could not go as slow as 25 MPH but the cop was in total disagreement with that notion.

I paid the ticket immediately and told my parents without hesitation. No joy, but it didn't kill me.

Look at it this way; truth will set you free. That's why you're here.

Seenyab4's picture
Thank you guys, I do have a

Thank you guys, I do have a part time job, but I've only just recently started. It was actually on my way to that job that I got the ticket. I have an hour to get there and I need every minute of that hour, and when someone hogged the left lane I got a little mad, thus the speeding. I'll have to think on it more, but thank you all for your responses so far.

Apple Pi's picture
This is the reason I skipped

This is the reason I skipped the driving pass and sent strait for the helicopter pilot qualifications. There are no speed limits in a helicopter. Except for the Never Exceed Speed, and thats there for a very specific reason.

mykcob4's picture
Well, remember, USUALLY your

Well, remember, USUALLY your parents have your best interest in mind. Tell them the truth. things will be over much quicker and it will be a lesson learned.

Nyarlathotep's picture
Well my wake up call was an

My wake up call was an "exhibition of speed" charge when I was 18; which earned me a night in jail. Luckily I managed to fight it and plea to a trivial non-moving violation with a small fine.

Seenyab4's picture
Well I got till December 12,

Well I got till December 12, plenty enough time to conduct myself I suppose. My father is a wise man, but also strict. I'm sure he's not gonna let this go unpunished, but I can't say what the extent of the punishment will be. Also, progress reports for my school come out tomorrow, I managed to get all A's, so maybe that would be a good thing to have.

Sir Random's picture
"....I want to ride my

"....I want to ride my bicycle, I want to ride my bike......"

ThePragmatic's picture


chimp3's picture
Admitting to your parents

Admitting to your parents your mistake and explaining why you did it what lesson you learned goes a long way with most parents. My biggest fear with my kids was not drugs but traffic accidents.

SecularSonOfABiscuitEater's picture
When I got my first ticket I

When I got my first ticket I learned that it was more of a burden to hide it from my parents rather than tell them. The mail from local traffic schools tipped them off haha. I wish I had told them first. I'd say the sooner you tell them, the faster you can solve the problem.

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