This Website

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Tanish Islam's picture
This Website

Creators of this page, hi!

I would just like to state that there are many different stances a person can have about religion but your page itself just classifies them as "atheist" and "non-atheist".
I think the point of general acceptance can be proved in a way if you are able to extend this field and let people be able to describe their own religious belief, or lack thereof.

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CyberLN's picture
It's already there. Once

It's already there. Once someone chooses 'non-atheist' in their profile, they have the option to indicate their 'belief'.

cmallen's picture
Also, there are plenty of

Also, there are plenty of different atheistic world-views: materialists, buddhists (of the 'non-divine buddha' persuasion), new ager-types, just plain old strait-up atheists, confucionists, etc., ad nauseum. Not to mention the millions of atheists who are merely social christians, muslims, hindus, jews, heathens, what-have-you.

A person can call themselves whatever they like; someone esle is going to call that same person something different and another person will call them something altogether different than that. So who cares?

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