The # 4!

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mykcob4's picture
The # 4!

This is a bit different than the usual subjects that we witness on this forum, but I want to call attention to a phenomenon that I have observed for a long time now.
I watch sports....A LOT! I work from home and the TV is on 24/7.
I have noticed when something significant happens in any game, in any sport that involves players with numbers, the player wearing # 4 is in the middle of it.
Little Baseball, the NFL, MLB, NHL, NBA, WNBA, every sport I watch this phenomenon occurs.
Take any controversial play. The #4 player is in the middle of it.
Now I know that you will think this is crazy, but just conduct an experiment for yourself and see what I mean.
Now I am not superstitious, don't believe in Karma or anything like that. I just find it an odd coincidence. I can't and won't even try to account for it. It's just weird!

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algebe's picture
In China and Japan 4 is the

In China and Japan 4 is the equivalent of 13 in the West. It's the ultimate unlucky number because the word for 4 (shi in Japanese) sounds just the same as the word for "death."

mykcob4's picture
Well. Algebe, I have been to

Well. Algebe, I have been to Japan and China many many times and I know what you are talking about. The number 4 figures prominently in many cultures for different reasons. The Native North Americans revered it because there are for seasons. In Africa, it is good luck in many tribes but I don't know why.

algebe's picture


(Twilight Zone theme music fading away)

All of the number myths have logical explanations, like a linguistic coincidence for 4 in China/Japan, or awareness of something special about prime numbers (the "Holy" Trinity, "lucky" 7, or "unlucky" 13).

chimp3's picture
I am old enough to remember

I am old enough to remember Bobby Orr , Number 4!

Flamenca's picture
It's just a coincidence, you

It's just a coincidence, you are just looking for patterns, and I guess sometimes it hits the target... I've watching videos of best plays on Youtube of basketball and baseball for 10 minutes, and your theory didn't match. Sorry :(

Randomhero1982's picture
We are pattern seeking

We are pattern seeking primates, so it would hardly be a surprise that someone could see this.

Nyarlathotep's picture
It could also be a different

It could also be a different kind of pattern. Maybe that number is popular among players. Leading to a situation where there are more players wearing 4 than say 17; ending up with more highlights containing players with number 4 than 17. Just a guess (I have no idea if this is the case).

mykcob4's picture
I think Nyarlathotep is

I think Nyarlathotep is correct and it is just because #4 is a popular number.

Flamenca's picture
I agree, it makes more sense.

I agree, it makes more sense.

MCDennis's picture
Cool. i will check out this

Cool. i will check out this theory

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