Cold war2

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biggus dickus's picture
Cold war2

Are we on the brink of a new cold war, has it already started or is it just fear mongering.

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SecularSonOfABiscuitEater's picture
Can't say for sure, but it is

Can't say for sure, but it is cold as fuck right now. I woke up this morning and it was 19 degrees. Hashtag climate change.

biggus dickus's picture
Global warming only effects

Global warming only effects hot weather duh.

xenoview's picture
Global warming is so Al Gore.

Global warming is so Al Gore. It's called climate change now.

xenoview's picture
Trump is trying to start a

Trump is trying to start a new nuclear arms race with China and Russia.

chimp3's picture
Perhaps Putin and Trump have

Perhaps Putin and Trump have invested in weapons manufacturing. Cold war , maybe. An alliance between greedy oligarchs, maybe.

mykcob4's picture
We have never ended the cold

We have never ended the cold war. It has only changed. When the USSR collapsed the KGB officers moved to secure private enterprises. Make no mistake these companies are run just like they ran the KGB. Putin has always wanted to bring down the US. He found a way with cash. Trump and conservatives have been compromised and are all in with Putin. From the Deutsche Bank, the Bank of Cypress, Putin has bought the GOP, the BREXIT crowd, and created a populace nationalist movement the is structured to bring down the free world internally. Through WikiLeaks, Fox News and other assets, Putin can wage propaganda campaigns that falsely discredit any political opposition.
The only way the US can fight this is to strengthen NATO the EU, build a better relationship with China, and oust conservative politicians.
Oligarchs are KGB. They don't want communism, never have. They want total world power.

BAACKJD's picture
You just scared the shit out

Mykob, you just scared the shit out of me.

mykcob4's picture
It is even worse than I

It is even worse than I alluded to JB. Trump appointed Wilbur Ross Commerce Secretary.
Ross is about as crooked as one can get. He has made a profession of laundering Putin money.

Endri Guri's picture
With that Puppet sitting on

With that Puppet sitting on your White House' seat, I believe it to happen. But as mykcob4 said, it's only changed, never ended. I fear a total annihilation of NATO and US partnership with the EU with that fucktard as President, I can't believe he's not being impeached for treason. And for some reason other than Middle Eastern countries I've also always felt xenophobia towards Russians. Like really, we don't want those media-brainwashed freaks to get in control, also wondering how an ex-KGB earned the Presidential seat.

Truett's picture
Well saidn Mykcob4. NATO and

Well said, Mykcob4. NATO and the EU are critical right now, and they are under direct assault by the USA. The EU now lists the USA as a threat to the EU, which is a complete outrage. Think of the wars and the Marshall Plan and the blood of millions that finally led to a war-free Rhine Delta. Peace in Europe has been one of the great accomplishments of the latter half of the 20th century, and my countrymen are hellbent on rupturing that bond of peoples and States. I'd like to see peace-loving Asia-pac countries, European countries and other like minded States like Canada and Mexico unite to defend liberty and support each other. The US is currently an antagonist to that noble effort.

Closet_atheist's picture


What's with all the hate of Trump? Do you really think Hilary would be less treasonous, being almost completely bankrolled by Saudi Arabia? Not to mention the complete and utter corruption.

I guess I'm the only conservative Atheist...

Jared Alesi's picture
I tend to be independent, but

I tend to be independent, but this last election was a game of stacked roulette. We shot ourselves in the damn foot no matter who got elected. I have to disagree with you though. The premise that Hillary would've been no worse (and the jury's still out on that one) is no reason to not hate Trump's administration and all the backwards, horrible things they've done in just two months. At this point, anyone who is still supporting Trump isn't watching any news, because even Fox has him on their shit list. There is no news agency in America that isn't against him, and for good reason. When you've got a record amount of executive orders given for the last century of presidents in only two months, and they've been to attempt to ban travel, repeal the Johnson amendment, build a wall across a border whose highest flow of trafficking is out, among other things, you've earned the hate. Not to mention his cabinet includes despicable individuals like DeVos, Sessions, and Spicer. And to top it all off, Mike Pence instated Gay aversion therapy camps in his state that just barely meet par for health and safety standards. What's with all the hate for Trump, you ask? Take a look around and drink your coffee while it's still hot, because this wake-up call is the first of many to come, I'm sorry to say. Things will not get better from here unless that idiot is impeached.

mykcob4's picture

She wasn't bankrolled by the Saudis. You have bought into the FOX propaganda that alleged that donations from the Saudis to the Clinton Foundation were pocketed by the Clintons. That is an absolute lie.
I call you out to prove any treason and or corruption by Secy Clinton. You won't be able to because it never happened. 13 separate investigation a multitude of witchhunt congressional hearings, and NADA, ZIP, NOTHING!
It was JUST exposed that Gen. Flynn paid an ex-FBI agent to smear Clinton days before the election.
You know Flynn, the guy who was on the Turkish payroll while in the Trump cabinet.
Yes I hate Trump, but hate isn't what is going on here. Facts are being exposed about just how corrupt Trump and conservatives are and have been. The Deutsche Bank, the Bank of Cypress all tied to Trump and Russian money laundering.
Follow the money and you'll find the corruption that IS the Trump administration.

Endri Guri's picture

Where did I post any assumption that Hillary was better in my comment to begin with? Her corruption and treason is just as worse (from what I've heard), with only the good facts that she'll enforce sanctions on Russia, empowering women and granting LGBTQ rights and create stronger relations with the EU and NATO.

Nyarlathotep's picture
Closet_atheist - Do you

Closet_atheist - Do you really think Hilary would be less treasonous, being almost completely bankrolled by Saudi Arabia?

While I am not a H. Clinton supporter, I like to ask a couple questions about that statement. First off, I'll give you the befit of the doubt and interpret "almost completely bankrolled" as more than 50% of the funding for some entity. But that raises the question, what entity?


Question 1: Which exact entity:

  • Her personal income?
  • The Clinton Foundation?
  • Her 2016 POTUS campaign?
  • The super-pacs associated with the above 2016 campaign?
  • Some combination of the above?
  • Something else all together?


Question 2:
Could you tell us the amount of money the entity (from Question 1) received from Saudi Arabia (and perhaps a source)?

Jared Alesi's picture
Yes, evidence is nice.

Yes, evidence is nice.

Truett's picture
Closet_atheist, wow do I ever

Closet_atheist, wow do I ever disagree with you. Whatever Hillary's faults, she and her administration would not be anything like the Trump admin. Continuity of international agreements, incremental progress on human rights and a continuation of displeasing Washington deal-making would be the hallmarks of her tenure. With Trump we face the real prospect of our species being driven into a ravine. I've not been actively concerned about our nuclear posture since Reagan left office and the Wall came down. Now it is a regular concern of the most learned and aware minds in this country and many other countries. Outside of that, there is real malevolent harm being planned and executed by this administration. And you ask about Trump hatred? Wise people across this planet aren't engaged in Trump hatred. We're worried and engaged in the preservation of all that your treasonous psychopath currently risks and currently threatens on a daily basis. Answer Mykcob4's challenge and justify your comment.

SecularSonOfABiscuitEater's picture
I can't support Trump. He's

I can't support Trump. He's constantly digging an unlikable hole for himself. Here's a favorite idea of his. He said we "need to start winning wars again" How about we don't have wars at all? We are the leading military force in the world. If anyone has the power to NOT wage war... It's definitely us. Besides, it's not his kids he'd be sending off to battle. It's ours. Kiss my ass Mr President.

mykcob4's picture
Yeah, I'd like to see Ivanka

Yeah, I'd like to see Ivanka and both of her slick hair self-entitled brothers in hot combat zones AS PRIVATES!
Let's see if Trump will respect Gold Star families when he becomes one!

Closet_atheist's picture
Lol well shit... I generally

Lol well shit... I generally read articles of both sides of any argument and make my own opinion of what's really going on. I don't always recall specific names and dates but I almost always remember the stories. So citing sources will probably take me awhile.

I might have to say completely bankrolled might have been excessive. I read some of a book I want say was called Clinton's money or something like that... but it cited numerous occasions where she would favor a certain product or lessen a trade restriction and she would receive payment (kickback) in the form of getting paid four or five hundred thousand dollars to perform a speech of her or her husband. Most of which came from Arabian Companies, their original speech fee was around 50 to 100 thousand except when she became Secretary of State the fee grew exceptionally.

Sure I probably got some of my evidence from Fox News. But I have listened to both sides and have seen much more corruption from liberal media than Fox News. One case off hand was the Zimmerman case where ABC, CBS, and NBC all showed clips of his 911 conversation where pieces were cut and pasted to make him sound more racist! Fox News showed the full dispatch. Now one of those other stations later did make a retraction but those never receive headlines.


I would like to quote the tiresome amount of corruption articles on Wiki Leaks but you would probably just disregard those. I'm not one to get hyped up in conspiracy theories but they usually harbor a grain of truth, and they just keep stacking up on the Clintons. Many of which are before my time but that guy found on the park bench seems rather convenient to the whitewater stuff. The emails, and the way the justice system and FBI handled it all. That young picture of her and the FBI director. Not to mention Bill's favorite spot, underage whore island, or the sad case of those two kids on the train tracks.

I'm not saying Trump is perfect or a Saint lol. To be a billionaire businessman you would have to be a cutthroat. But the politicians, lawyers, and bureaucrats we have are so backwards. I have done business with all three, all of which is a big f***ing wasteful mess.

I see real change with Trump, maybe too far but definitely some change is needed, (please don't mention Obama). I just feel the country is so pussified anymore anything could happen to us if we're not careful.

Nyarlathotep's picture
Closet_atheist - I'm not one

Closet_atheist - I'm not one to get hyped up in conspiracy theories but they usually harbor a grain of truth, and they just keep stacking up on the Clintons.

That seems a rather reckless way to determine the truth. Imagine how crazy I'd sound if suggested the Jews must be evil because of all the conspiracy theories that have stacked up over time about them?

I'd suggest that the more conspiracies theories you find about subject X, the more skeptical you should be of all of them.

mykcob4's picture

I bet the book you read was a propaganda piece by one of the FOX minions.
As far as fees for speeches the going rate is the going rate.
Talk about LOL most if not all you said is laughable. Kickbacks, never happened, special favors, never happened, there is not one shred of credible evidence to support any of that. The Foster suicide WAS a suicide and had nothing to do with the Clintons. Whitewater has been proven to be a witch hunt and no crime was ever committed concerning that event. More than 60 million US tax dollars was spent investigating that and ZIP, NADA, Nothing was there.
Zimmerman is a whole different ball of wax, BUT it is clear that he was troubled, racist, a wife-beater, and he has been in trouble ever since that CRIME.
Also, "cutthroat" doesn't mean you have to be corrupt which Trump clearly is.
As far as " pussified" that is utter nonsense. Obama brought responsibility and honor to this nation. The bullshit of "NUKING areas and making them a parking lot is childish and unrealistic.
The change needed was and is to get rid of the whole bunch of corrupt conservative bastards that obstructed progress and cater to the giant corrupt corporations. Trump isn't bringing "change". He is circumventing the Constitution. He has lied about everything, he demonizes segments of the population because dumbasses need a villain. It is populace nationalism, the same shit that Hitler did.
Oh, Obama, Obama, Obama, there I mentioned him because he saved this nation from complete economic ruin. He has been the best president since FDR. And he did it with an obstructionist Congress.
I provide cited credible sources, and all you did is say "well I read some where...". What a bunch of bullshit.

Funny you should mention Zimmerman. He is the shining example of conservative values. Your little hero is a pathilogical criminal.

biggus dickus's picture
Oh, Russia is better, now

Oh, Russia is better, now only 2 journalists disappear a year instead of 3.

Closet_atheist's picture

Very true...that is a good point. To clarify, I listen to many crazy conspiracy theories about nearly anything, but I only ponder the ones that I deem reasonable possible. (Very few)

I guess I will always feel a stigma of the Clintons, their scandals, and how I feel of all politicians: who flip flop and dodge questions.


Yes you never mentioned Hilary, it was just my assumption, and for that I am truly sorry.

Don't get me wrong Zimmerman is a person with the little man's syndrome who wants to carry a gun and feel like a badass. But he was falsely portrayed as a racist, his wife was found lying and later recanted her allegations against him, and he continues to receive pot shots at him and his residences, and it seems he will live a hard life for the rest of his days.

Saying the Rich and powerful career politicians as the Clintons never received any kickbacks of any kind is laughable.

But not only did you defend Hillary and support Obama but now your backing FDR. Wow you really are completely blinded by liberal media...

I feel sad for you... your closed minded, unwavering stubborn views that you'll never even think to change. Allows no room to grow, and become a better version of yourself.

mykcob4's picture

Feel sad for me? Ridiculous.
1) Obama saved this nation after the republicans ran it off a cliff.
2) Bill Clinton created a surplus and had the economy running on all cylinders after the republicans dug a huge hole. All the so-called scandals were created by the republicans not one was true after expensive investigations. Yeah Bill had an affair, and every one of the people that condemned him for it actually had worse and more salacious affairs like Newt. Alos the Clinton's have been the most open people about their income and how they acquired it. You might ask your boy Trump to release his tax returns. Also, there has never been a kickback, not one.
4) Zimmerman is famous for being racist.
3) FDR is easily the very best president this nation ever had. He saved us from the depression, successfully prosecuted a two front world war(the worst war in history started by a far right wing nutcase).

BTW I use several media sources all respected journalism outlets.
PBS, NPR, BBC, are just a few. NO spin, no bias, no propaganda.

Jared Alesi's picture
I can agree that FDR was a

I can agree that FDR was a wonderful president. One of my favorites to learn about in school. We recently covered WWI in AP U.S. History, and I think if there was a second place behind FDR, it would probably be Wilson. He was by far the most educated. Kind of wish we could have that level of intellect in office now. Or ever again, for that matter.

mykcob4's picture
Highest IQ Carter

Highest IQ Carter
Most educated Bill Clinton. (Rhodes Scholar)
Most productive LBJ
Most effective FDR, with Obama close behind.
Most respected Lincoln.

Worst, a tie Taft, Hoover, Nixon, Reagan, Bush I, Bush II. Soon to be surpassed by Trump.

Jared Alesi's picture
I forgot about Clinton being

I forgot about Clinton being a Rhodes scholar. I don't know how I forgot about that, but I did. Wilson must be a close second for education though, because he was an Ivy League graduate, but I forget the specifics about what and where he studied. I want to say Princeton, but it might be Harvard. I just don't remember.

Nyarlathotep's picture
Closet_atheist - But [George

Closet_atheist - But [George Zimmerman] was falsely portrayed as a racist

Granted it happened after the case; but I think people who use the phrase "nigger lover" in heated arguments are racists.

I apologize for posting that explicitly, but I think it needs to be said. I totally understand if it is a violation of the rules and needs to be removed.

Jared Alesi's picture
That one word. I hate it. And

That one word. I hate it. And not even entirely for it's historical usage. I hate it because it was born from ignorance. The word nigger is just a bastardization of the word negro, Spanish for black. The idea that the South is just a backward hell hole of stupid people is probably largely due to this, and rightly so. Because if a people can take a real word and butcher it so badly it becomes another word entirely, with only a cousinship in relation to the original, but with an infinitely larger amount of hate behind it, and still use the word two centuries later, the people deserve such judgement. I won't stand for such hate, and anyone who advocates the use of this word is just that: hateful. Hateful and fucking stupid.

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