Confederate statue pulled down in North Carolina

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xenoview's picture
Confederate statue pulled down in North Carolina

Protesters pulled a confederate statue in Durham, NC.

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Sky Pilot's picture
There are still hundreds to

There are still hundreds to go. There's now talk about blowing up the Stone Mountain monument. That will be a hard fight because the law establishing it will have to be repealed.

chimp3's picture
I think it would have more

I think it would have more impact if the local Governments removed the statues.

xenoview's picture
I agree with you chimp3. But,

I agree with you chimp3. But, do the local government's have the balls to do it?

chimp3's picture
Baltimore removed theirs

Baltimore removed theirs overnight with no crisis. Racists woke up and their trophies were gone.

MCDennis's picture
I am usually not in favor of

I am usually not in favor of vandalism, but I am happy to make an exception for this

kyom02's picture
Confederation monuments

Confederation monuments should be taken down just like the ones made by Nazis.
They both represented wrong ideas, and there is no place for such hate symbols (not pepe though)

Pitar's picture
History is documented not for

History is documented not for reverence but for historical reference only. It's the sad fate of humanity to look over its shoulder and attempt to change the past to remake the present. You just can't defeat stupid.

I'm not a fan of statuary in any form. It's yet another fantasy trip from the depths of irrationality. The whole emotional appeal of the victor/vanquished war memorial psyche thing in 3-D is surreal, yet personifying of the species. Heroes, pedestals and pandering to the pageantry of the military industrial complex with wonderfully crafted medals and campaign ribbons describes a wanting species that is so deeply broken I hardly think some last minute utopian soap-boxing or midnight statue snatching has any chance of mending it. But, with the proper doses of dismissive thinking and a numbing amount of forgiveness, LOL (faith), it might get it's 15 minutes of fame before the next generation decides to celebrate its historical roots.

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