Is a cross a secular symbol?

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xenoview's picture
Is a cross a secular symbol?

OK Attorney General: The Cross Atop a College Chapel is a “Secular Symbol”

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Randomhero1982's picture
Yeah... seems legit!

Yeah... seems legit!


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Flamenca's picture
Hahaha, these christians are

Hahaha, these christians are just hilarious!

As a matter of fact, the cross symbol, like so many other things, and the crucifixion myth were directly copied from Egyptian mythology.

Osiris, the Egyptian Saviour, was crucified in the heavens. To the Egyptian the cross was the symbol of immortality, an emblem of the Sun, and the god himself was crucified to the tree, which denoted his fructifying power. (...)Horus was also crucified in the heavens. He was represented, like...Christ Jesus, with outstretched arms in the vault of heaven."

Thomas W. Doane, Bible Myths and Their Parallels in Other Religions.

The Egyptian hieroglyph they plagiarized, Cross-ndj, when written in a sentence, means:

1. Protector, advocate, avenger.

2. Homage to thee (a form of salutation to gods).

Flamenca's picture
These are some crosses the

These are some crosses the Egyptian used in hieroglyphic scripture. The Cross-ndj is the one on the left.


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jonthecatholic's picture
I'll just leave this here...
Flamenca's picture
Given that I've read other

Given that I've read other rebuts who argue the opposite (I'm also providing a link with lots of other sources), but since comparing arguments, it's a wearisome task, let's say that i's just a question of "believing" what you think to be true... Everyone should do their research and come to their own conclussions.

I personally don't believe in a god, just because of this question.

jonthecatholic's picture
Agreed. Read from both sides

Agreed. Read from both sides of the argument then decide for yourself.

chimp3's picture
Yes! The cross is a secular

Yes! The cross is a secular symbol for "tax loophole"!

Flamenca's picture


xenoview's picture
The cross is on a chapel,

The cross is on a chapel, that makes it a religious symbol.

mykcob4's picture
Of course, it's a religious

Of course, it's a religious symbol.

MCDennis's picture
what an idiot, but what would

what an idiot, but what would you expect from anyone working for the Idiot in Chief, president pussygrabber

algebe's picture
The cross combines two of the

The cross combines two of the most potent death symbols of all time: the Roman crucifixion cross, and the medieval sword carried by tyrants and crusaders for centuries. I don't know why anyone would stick it on top of a building or wear it around their neck. They should demolish the chapel and replace it with a secular building that everyone can use.

LogicFTW's picture
Maybe Christianity is a death

Maybe Christianity is a death cult? Reading your post makes me consider this, got lots of history pointing towards that when I think about it.

algebe's picture
LogicForTW: "Maybe

LogicForTW: "Maybe Christianity is a death cult?"

Christianity worships and celebrates death. Everything good starts when you die. And just about every church you enter, especially the Catholic ones, have endless statues of some poor loony being tortured to death with wood and nails.

Flamenca's picture
Well, according to Dawkins,

Well, according to Dawkins, current Christians are not really as Christians as they say they are... (3' video)

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