Does God deliberately seem non-existent?

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arakish's picture
**bid flies in dropping off a

**bird flies in dropping off a thermos of coffee and cognac**

**bird then flips a message at ya and flies off**


"Sorry Tin-Man. Was feeling a little rooted so I sent my friend with what ya called out for. Hope helps."


Cognostic's picture
My Tooth! (Shoving in my

My Tooth! (Shoving in my mouth quickly before the super-glue dries.) I feel so much better. Let's hope that never happens again.

Tin-Man's picture


Phew! Great having you back! Thought we had lost you there for a minute. *passing over a cup*.. Here, have some coffee. Got a bit of Cognac in there for a little extra zing. Courtesy of Arakish. Oh, crap! Hold on a sec.....*speaking into radio*.. Cancel the Emergency Response Team. I repeat: Cancel the Emergency Response Team....*puts radio back in holder on belt*... Okay. Close call there. When those boys come crashing in, they don't play around....*wiping sweat from forehead*...

Thanks a bunch, Arakish! You're a life saver! I do believe he will recover quite well.

Cognostic's picture
OMG - I thought I was a teen

OMG - I thought I was a teen again at the Kansas State Fair witnessing to the masses. I had my bible under my arm and I actually believed Pascal's wager was the last nail in the coffin in the argument for the existence of God. It just made so much sense. OH GOD! WAS I STUPID!

Tin-Man's picture


Well, for what it's worth, you made one helluva preacher. Even felt myself getting drawn back in to the faith there for a moment. Thankfully, I was able to resist.


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