Does satan really exists?

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jackkrauser's picture
Does satan really exists?

Hey guys
Every once in while i debate with my Muslim friend about different topics concerning religion and faith , apart from evidence he always come up with different things to prove his point which i can call nothing but absurdities . Last night he mentioned something about the power of Quran verses which can redeem the people whom the devil got inside , i am sure all of you guys have heard about this before and its not only in Islam its known and done also in Christianity . He also showed me several videos where there was an Imam reading Quran in front of a women who is supposedly has a devil inside her.So i wanted to ask is that right about the devil getting inside a human i know it sounds absurd and i personally tend not to believe so but there is a lot of stories related to this subject where people got healed by being taken to the church or the mosque . And if wrong (which i think it is) what about those videos that show people screaming when they hear verses from from the holy books and after a long session they seem to be more cool ? thanks for reading i hope that i can get my answer.



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CyberLN's picture
It could be acting, could be

It could be acting, could be because they believe it, or could be the placebo effect in action. Could be a flat lie. Videos prove nothing. Ask if these phenomenon have ever been shown to be fact using any scientifically accepted measurements.

ThePragmatic's picture
There are literary thousands

There are literary thousands of videos giving "proof" for different religions and different entities, devils, demons, angels, gods, aliens, flat Earth, hollow Earth, secret moon bases and various other crazy ideas.

A video of someone giving a convincing show as if they are "possessed by the devil", is only proof of a person acting like they are possessed by the devil, nothing more.

The reasons could be many, they could actually believe that they are possessed and act out as they think the devil would make them behave, they could have actual brain damage, it could be actual mental disease, they could be acting with the purpose to fool a congregation or anyone watching the video, they could be acting specifically to make a youtube viral video and make money of it.
And there probably are a lot of other possible reasons I can't even think of...

chimp3's picture
I don't know if my answer

I don't know if my answer will satisfy you. I think possession and exorcism is pretentious bullshit. My own father performs exorcisms in the pentecostal church. It is a!l drama and Satan does not exist.

Pitar's picture
chimp3 says it with

chimp3 says it with infinitely more tolerance and eloquence than I could have mustered. My father was not an exorcist, though, so I do not have his experience to cite.


You've heard of a shill? It's a person, employed by a salesman, who role-plays and qualifies a salesman's pitch to a gathered audience. The salesman might be selling some kind of miracle elixir that cures ailments. It's actually just flavored water. The gathered crowd remains unconvinced. Then, the shill comes forward faking the ailment, takes a drink of the elixir, and suddenly becomes healed. The crowd of ignoramuses goes wild and buys the elixir from the salesman. Then they run off to cure whomever they bought it for and the salesman and his shill quickly leave town before the crowd realizes it's been tricked. He then pulls the same prank on the next town. That's how he makes his business. He gets people into his confidence and then tricks them for his own gain. The original name for him was Confidence Man, now known as a con man, and there are still modern day versions of him.

In consumer products you can see it all the time by reading "new and Improved" on the product packaging. The fact is, because the package is part of the product, they can legally change a minor detail to the package itself and label it as a "new and improved" product. Legally speaking, it is, but otherwise it's ethically wrong because the product within remains unchanged.

Compare the con man and shill scenario to your Quran examples and then ask yourself if there's a difference of any ethical or moral measure. The healer's profit is the power and respect he cons people out of and any real property or remuneration they feel obliged to bestow upon him. The cured person is removed from all in attendance, because he or she supposedly needs to rest from the exorcism, in order to avoid close scrutiny that might reveal the fraud perpetrated upon them.

Religion's entire existence is based upon the dastardly deeds of confidence men.

jackkrauser's picture
Thank you sir your answer was

Thank you sir your answer was more than enough , I appreciate it.

Dave Matson's picture
Well stated, Pitar! Would

Well stated, Pitar! Would you believe that on a plastic jug that once held distilled water, which I now keep for another use, is a label sporting "NEW!" in bold letters! (The label also says "sodium free." Well, I can't argue with that!)

Dave Matson's picture
Ibrahim alazawi,

Ibrahim alazawi,

Patented medicine and religion are magnets for all kinds of chicanery. Some of the practitioners half-believe their own nonsense, and most of their victims will swear by it. Religion and straight thinking don't come out of the same box. If you ever study the origins of the Mormon religion you will see just how nutty things can get! It would be folly to think that any religion is wholly free of such nonsense, and con artists make the most of it.

JohannaDawson's picture
All these stories can be

All these stories can be explained by placebo effect( in case that mental disorder is true) or just acting. Besides that, even if we meet something we can`t explain, there is no reason to consider that as something irrational and supernatural. Maybe we just don`t know a rational explanation yet. So, these videos can`t prove existence of satan or other supernatural force in any way.

MCDennis's picture
The person asserting there is

The person asserting there is a devil has the burden of proof. A video is NOT proof of devils

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