The extinct humans explain a lot.

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mykcob4's picture
The extinct humans explain a lot.

Why hasn't christianity or the bible ever mentioned or acknowledged the other humanoid species that have existed? There were at least 6 others, 1 of which existed during the same time as Homo Sapiens. All the others are extinct, and all but our own species died out when the concept of a god came to be.
I believe that the existence of other human species proves that the god concept comes from human imagination because religions of every faith don't explain these other human species. They don't explain them because they have no knowledge of them.

From Google: "How many different types of human species are there?
Rewind to 30,000 years ago. As well as modern humans, three other hominin species were around: the Neanderthals in Europe and western Asia, the Denisovans in Asia, and the "hobbits" from the Indonesian island of Flores. The hobbits could have survived until as recently as 18,000 years ago.Sep 29, 2015"

Christians and other believers always tell us that the bible and other "holy" books are historical fact. That the human story is complete within these books, that they are perfect and infallible. Well, the FACTS prove otherwise and blows a big hole in the "creation" myth.

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LogicFTW's picture
I like this point. I am

I like this point. I am curious how theist try to explain this one away. Their books about god goes into such detail about "other people/humans" but speaks nothing of other humanoids that are a whole lot closer to us humans then chimps or other monkeys are to us.

Lots of theist like to go and on about how they hate the idea that humans evolved from monkeys that evolved from amoeba (skipping quite a few steps.) That our great (times 1 million or more) grandma was a single celled organism. Yet their is silence about other humanoids that have gone extinct that are very similar to us?

mykcob4's picture
Yeah Logic, it's like this.

Yeah Logic, it's like this.
If you are reasonably educated at some point you were familiarized with Greek mythology. In that mythology is a character known as "Cyclops." Now this character is unique as it is both a giant and also has only one eye in the center of its enormous head. So how did the Greeks come up with this character? They certainly never came in contact with such a creature. What caused them to believe that one actually existed? Well, here's how.
The Greeks that ventured to the Isle of Crete found as the dug down or rain washed away earth and exposed them, bones of an early mastodon. The Greeks looked at the skull and saw that it was enormous. They also noticed a big hole in the front. The hole was actually for the trunk of the animal but the Greeks thought it must have been an eye socket. Thus the legend was born. Since they only found the skull of the animal they had no way of knowing that it was a four legged creature and assumed it was a giant man.
These were Greeks mind you, the most learned people of the time, but still, that is what they came up with. For centuries Greeks believed the Cyclops was real and that Jason defeated the giant creature due to the works of Apollonius of Rhodes.
This is how all religions came about as well. They tried to explain something they didn't understand and din't have all the information about. Christians believe in a god and that man is made by that god in the image of that god. But that can't be because there were other men, not mentioned in the bible. And we know they existed because there is a fossil record. With Neanderthals, we even have DNA that we have matched in our own DNA stands. Does the bible tell of Neanderthals? No, because the bible and the knowledge that wrote it is restricted to the Roman Empire and ONLY the Roman Empire. The geography, the archeology, the history, the logistics, are all consistent with 4th century Roman Empire and nothing else. This limit on knowledge tells us that the bible is purely human imagination because what is imagined in the bible never escapes the limits of what was known in the 4th century, AND to a particular and limited area.
That is why I ask the question in the OP.

LogicFTW's picture
I have certainly read a fair

I have certainly read a fair amount of Greek mythology, and familiar with the cyclops creature. (I may also have watched the 7th voyage of Sinbad and other movies with cyclops creature several times as a kid as well.) I have not heard the back story of skull of a mastodon/eye socket/neck thing before. Certainly makes sense though. An altogether solid accounting of a concept to present to various theist today using a 3rd party religious concept to point out how religious myth is formed.

Randomhero1982's picture
Theists can't really explain

Theists can't really explain anything with any legitimacy to be honest! They can't even prove Jesus exsisted undeniably with evidence from a non bias source...

The only one they could possibly refer to is of the Roman historian and Tacitus, who referred to Christ very briefly in his book called, Annals.... and that was witten in... AD 116!!!

So if they can't prove or explain the basics I doubt they'll manage your question, other then denying the existence of the species or the technology used for dating... which tends to be the path of choice for theologians in debates.

algebe's picture
Worst of all is the

Worst of all is the obstruction of efforts to explore the history of our species. That's not limited to Christian fundamentalists and Young Earth Creationists. Here's a comment from a Native American religious leader about the Kennewick Man.

"From our oral histories, we know that our people have been part of this land since the beginning of time….We already know our history.” (

Our species fanned out from Africa and spread through the entire world. We crossed deserts, mountain chains, and oceans, and we survived Ice Ages.Those early versions of humanity that the Bible knows nothing about are still alive in our genetic heritage.

That's the glory of humanity, not daft creation myths involving various gods.

CyberLN's picture
To find out more about this,

To find out more about this, I'd encourage you all to read "Sapiens - A Brief History of Humankind"

mykcob4's picture
Thanx CyberLN I missed that

Thanx CyberLN I missed that site but it is exactly what I am talking about.

CyberLN's picture
The book is a great read.

The book is a great read.

algebe's picture
As is the sequel, "Homo Deus"

As is the sequel, "Homo Deus".

curtisabass's picture
Don't forget that the bible

Don't forget that the bible talks about there were giants. And something about the offspring of women and angels.

jonthecatholic's picture
Quick question. What

Quick question. What Christians are you talking about who say the Bible contains the complete human story? Are you talking about creationists and young earth belivers?

mykcob4's picture
@Jon the Catholic

@Jon the Catholic
Every christian I have ever met. Are you going to tell me that the bible is some how incomplete? Are you going to tell me that the infallible book has failed in giving the whole story? Are you going to be the first christian that I have had contact with to admit that the bible doesn't explain everything?
I have met and had conversations with the top theologians of TCU, SMU, Texas Wesleyan, Baylor U., Texas A&M, UNT, University of Hawaii, and many others. I once ran a forum that had the top religious authority from Harvard University (Dr. Mark Jordan) as not only a member but a board member. All of them claim the bible to be infallible and complete. So are you going to stand alone and tell me that the bible doesn't include things and then justify why it doesn't include them?
The bible doesn't mention anything not known to people in the 4th century, that live within the known world of the Roman Empire of that time. There is a reason for this. It is simply because the bible is a concoction of human imagination and the imagination is of HUMANS that only had knowledge of the Roman Empire of the 4th century. Geography, history, science (if you could call it that). That is just the original bible. Later additions were edited for political agendas, but not really modernized.
I am telling you that "the bible" is a direct result of the Council of Nicea. That is was to consolidate power for Emporer Constantine. That is was derived from folklore and myths of other cultures. That it is neither based on historical fact or real accounts. That is limited in knowledge because that is those people knew at the time. That it is a book of allegory, hearsay, folklore, and myth. No one can prove one single account in the bible. Even the eyewitness accounts (which are not reliable in the first place) are speculative. Most of the stories are just made up lies to explain shit that they didn't have an answer to, like: "Where did we all come from" and "why are we here?"

Sky Pilot's picture


Remember, according to the biblical fairy tale only Jews are humans. Gentiles are animals. Of course we know that the Bible got it wrong on that point but that's the fairy tale so it discounts reality. And even you and I, who know history, might have a very hard time deciding when our ancestors became human. Neanderthals were intelligent humanoids but they were not true humans. All true humans are easily identified because humans are the only ones with real chins.

CyberLN's picture
Please tell me you were not

Please tell me you were not serious when you said Neanderthals were not human.

Sky Pilot's picture


Neanderthals were intelligent humanoids but they were not true humans. Only humans have chins. Neanderthals did not have chins.

Nyarlathotep's picture
Humans are members of the

Humans are members of the genus Homo. Some examples are:

  • Homo neanderthalensis
  • Homo erectus
  • Homo habilis
  • Homo sapiens
  • Homo antecessor
  • Homo rhodesiensis
algebe's picture
@Diotrephes: "Neanderthals

@Diotrephes: "Neanderthals were intelligent humanoids but they were not true humans."

Yes they were. Homo sapiens interbred with them. In fact modern Europeans and Asians have about 1-2% Neanderthal DNA. Neanderthals also had bigger brains than us, and they made tools.

Sky Pilot's picture


I didn't deny that. I said that Neanderthals were not true humans. True humans are the only animals that have real chins.

WilfDisney's picture
When exactly was it, "... the

When exactly was it, "... the concept of a god came to be... "?

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