Malaysia hunting down atheists

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zamorin's picture
Malaysia hunting down atheists

Malaysia is going after atheists after the recent Atheist Republic event held in Kuala Lumpur. These guys rather go after atheists than actual criminals, starting with our Prime Minister.

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Nyarlathotep's picture
Yeah I read about that just a
LogicFTW's picture


Reminds me of the insanity of the drug war and sentencing. Where convicted murders and rapist were getting shorter prison sentences then someone caught with enough weed to last himself for a month.

zamorin's picture
I wish I knew about and

I wish I knew about and attended the event. This is even after our constitution allows for the freedom of religion (which technically means freedom from having a religion or freedom from religion). I wonder under what laws can we be prosecuted?

Pitar's picture
An atheist convention has no

An atheist convention has no purpose and I question the integrity it probably claims for itself. Of course it's going to be scrutinized in a primitive society, which most non-western cultures are in the theistic sense, so holding such an event is kind of stupid.

Courage? Don't go there.

Atheism does not elicit courageousness as a mantra because it has no mantra. People ascribe risk to themselves out of some inane rebelliousness for the sake of rebelling, and thereby personify the stupidity living large within the species. But, people need to grab at pedestals and soapboxes to stand tall on out of some ego-boosting need (15 minutes of fame) and effectually all it does is paint themselves as targets. Dumb? Certainly, and the hurt it brings will get broad-brushed by its constituency as some form of heroism, though incoherent in the light of logic.

Atheism is quiet, impinges upon no one and silently marks a changing way of thinking about all things sensory. Anything more than that is not atheism. It's pageantry for the sake of pageantry.

mykcob4's picture
An atheist convention has

An atheist convention has business anywhere it damn well pleases.
You saying it doesn't is like in the 60s when they said blacks had no business protesting in Alabama.
Silence only encourages forces to subjugate you.
I applaud Atheist Republic having a convention there, wish I could have gone. It's not pageantry for the sake of pageantry.
What it is is legitimizing free thought and freedom of thought.
If you can't see that Pitar, I feel sorry for you, or I would if I really cared about the pitiful.

zamorin's picture
exactly..i rather be Rossa

exactly..i rather be Rossa Park :D especially when they targeting atheist when they (our rulers) get caught in their political scandals, We gotta give them a calculated response..on election day and other days

LogicFTW's picture
Rosa Parks was not the first

Rosa Parks was not the first black lady to refuse to give up her seat. Actually a little black girl did a few days prior, and a black rights organization instructed rosa parks to not give up her seat, in effort to shield the little girl from all the media attention etc.

I just learned that yesterday. I assume it to be true.
I just want to also illustrate I totally believe in skin color and gender equality. I am glad Rosa Parks did what she did.

Daniel's picture
What a dark world you live in

What a dark world you live in, pitar.

zamorin's picture
you must be kidding me:

you must be kidding me:

in a primitive society, which most non-western cultures are in the theistic sense?
pageantry ?


xenoview's picture
The Malaysian government is

The Malaysian government is trying to crack down on Atheist.

kenan2002's picture
Highest crime rate in all of

Highest crime rate in all of east Asia.

Hunts Atheists. *Facepalms*

Good job, sick bastards, I hope you fucking die.


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admin's picture
You can read more about it
zamorin's picture

IGP warns atheist group not to cause uneasiness

I got 2 words to tell the IGP: Fuck off!!

We or me gonna cause more uneasiness.

zamorin's picture
They removed statues of a

They removed statues of a woman/angel from a private park (which is none of their business) because it resembles "God".

Seriously, How the fuck do they know how "God" looks like? and when the fuck did "God" resemble female in Islam? Idiots!

zamorin's picture
In case you are wondering how

In case you are wondering how "God" looks like to Malaysian bigots, here you go: :D


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zamorin's picture
They mention Atheist Republic

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