my life sucks

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Ilies Bekhtaoui's picture
my life sucks

hi bros (sorry for my english )have a big probleme need your help pls so i'm ex muslim but i ask my self so many question when i was a believer back then i used to just not care but now i refuse to leave in illusion because iknow inside all dise is fake but at the same time i can't leave for nothing at all so i'm a angnotist stuck between two roads somethims i have that fealling of being alone a shame on the society because i'm living with them every time i hear them talking about infidels how they are gonna go to hell how much we should hate them i always protected other beliefs i always hated insulting others or doings there bullshit one time i was asked if i would get my self in a suicide bombing for allah i always fight back and argument againt that try to convence them this is not the way and somethoms they just tel me i'm acting like a atheist at the same time i feel guilty to lie to my familly live on there wealth waiting for a occation to leave the country i'm not an asshole the only reason i quite islam is because of values i respect and don't know what to do even in education they refuse to talk about great theories just because they are againt islam ideologi i'm tired always feel to give up and always afraid of a moment when a non muslim (or muslim) would be hurt and i would be force to do something thnaks

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asfexmuzzie's picture
brother we are in the same

brother we are in the same boat , myself left islam few weeks back i know what you are going thru , am i've thought of all these things you've said .

Ilies Bekhtaoui's picture
thanks for your support

thanks for your support where are you from ?

asfexmuzzie's picture
I am from india , you ?

I am from india , you ?

Ilies Bekhtaoui's picture
sorry for late answer from

sorry for late answer from algeria

Jeff Vella Leone's picture
My advice is to focus on

My advice is to focus on school and a way to get away from there.

Though there are ways to make your life easier and also appear OK with your Muslim friends.

Study their holy book, so when someone says something you do not like, you can use the book against them and make them appear to not follow the book.

The book was made for leaders to control the people so there must contradictory concepts in it, you just need to find those and exploit them.

That is what I used to do with my christian "friends" that think to know the book's teaching.
It worked for me so i bet it should work for you too.

Bobby Deans's picture
Religion is a control system

Religion is a control system

Tracy245's picture

Lots of advice and support on the above site for ex - Muslims

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