Naked Racism Wins Again

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MCDennis's picture
Naked Racism Wins Again

I originally thought that Roy Moore would be elected to the US Senate from Alabama because theists are hypocrites. I may have been far too generous in that assessment. I read today that the good people of Alabama may have lied to pollsters, just like they did when they said they weren't going to vote for President Rump... aka President Pussygrabber.

Roy the Perv is well versed in speaking to the racist tendencies and racist fears of the voters of Alabama... and he does so both covertly and overtly.

I hope I am wrong. The polls in Alabama don't close for another 10 hours.... but I think Go Get 'Em Roy will win by a landslide.

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MCDennis's picture
Okay... I was wrong... But

Okay... I was wrong... But Jones won by less than 25,000 votes meaning that almost 50% of voters in Alabama would rather vote for a pervert than a democrat.

Dennis Reilly's picture
I was so happy when I saw the

I was so happy when I saw the results this morning. I line in NJ, but we can't have human waste like him in politics at all, let alone moving up the ranks.

chimp3's picture
I am glad Moore lost, but it

I am glad Moore lost, but it was to close to redeem Alabama as a whole.

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