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Beck Becker's picture
So what if your girlfriend

So what if your girlfriend wanna have sex with me , is it ok for you to see me fucking her . .. i mean if she wants that .. is it going to bother you or not ?

ImFree's picture


Depends on the people involved. If that is what a couple gets off on maybe so. For example, maybe an older couple has an agreement that the woman can sleep with young men since the man has erectile dysfunction issues. On the other hand, you could have an affair with a woman and find your tires slashed by a jealous boyfriend (Some guy let the air out of my tires years ago in a similar situation)when you leave. Some people might agree on a polyamorous relationship. As mentioned earlier, the situation depends on the people involved and how honest they are in their relationships and what is agreed upon and what is not.

BAACKJD's picture
"So what if your girlfriend

"So what if your girlfriend wanna have sex with me , is it ok for you to see me fucking her . .. i mean if she wants that .. is it going to bother you or not ?"

Generally speaking, this would absolutely not be considered the norm at all, but there are exceptions to everything.

Some months back, my brother called me asking about a woman he was interested in. He said that he liked her, but all of his friends warned him not to get into a long term relationship with her because she is a "whore". I asked him what that meant exactly and apparently she is what some would consider promiscuous. To me, whether you are a male or female, a whore would be someone who goes around sleeping with other peoples spouses or something. Someone who doesn't have any regard for how their sexual behavior affects others negatively. This kind of behavior is not considered acceptable here. I know men like this as well, and they're essentially sociopaths that by most anyone's standards would not be considered a decent suitor for anyone

As to whether a man or woman's sexual history has any bearing on their sexual future I guess it could. But, generally speaking I only see this being a major foreseeable problem in nymphomaniacs, or the like. I know of multiple cases of folks that went from being very sexually active in the casual sense in their early years to being absolutely loyal to a spouse once they were in love with that person.

Hope this helps.

Beck Becker's picture
ya , it helps thank you ..

ya , it helps thank you .. but , do you consider a pornstar as a whore and unacceptable . if your son or your daughter is a porn star , are you going to be proud of them or you going to be ashamed ? how the majority think about this point ?

DoctorPC's picture
Guys, I think you might just

Guys, I think you might just be stuck in the "rebuttal" mode.
From what I have read, he's indeed a guy from some 'patriarchal backwater' with some of those values instilled in him, trying to wrap his head around the way we do things in the West. We mustn't focus on saying why he is wrong here, aside from the arguments he brings up. There is no such thing as a 'wrong' question. There may be stupid questions, but not wrong ones. We must never attack a question, for that act undermines every value we hold dear.


I think the principal difference here is that you are used to a highly _institutionalised_ system of relationships. Things follow a uniform order, maybe even set in law, and every relationship fits into that, Here in the West, we don't have that. Everybody is out for themselves, out to represent their own values, and tries to look for a mate that has similar values.

Some people are very liberal about sex. They are not concerned with their partners having sex with others, some of them might even enjoy the thought. These are the sort of people who live in "open relationships", where there is *no obligation* of exclusivity, and both people are fine with (and expected to) have sex with others, too. Sometimes these branch out into polyamorous communities, but these cases are the MINORITY.

Some go to the other end of the spectrum. With or without a religious conviction, they strictly believe that sex should be a marital act, no less. These people are not going to get involved with the stuff the most liberal people do, they go out and look for someone who has a similar view on sex, and partner with them. These, too, are a MINORITY.

Then there is the middle ground, where most westerners are. While they are fine with casual sex in principle, it is unlikely to be a very common occurance for them. Indeed, many go through their lives without ever engaging in such activities, even though they are perfectly fine with the idea. They tend to seek sex within a stable relationship, but are fine with having at least a handful of partners in their lives. They look for someone who is compatible with them both sexually and otherwise, and then, as a symbolic act of commitment (as well as a practical tax arrangement), enter marriage. The aim of a marriage is for it to be permanent. Sometimes it fails at that, especially if the people got married too quickly or their life changed dramatically, but often times enough it does not.

In summary: NO, most westerners are not fine with their partners cheating on them, NO, most westerners aren't rampaging around having casual sex, NO, most westerners do not expect their partners to be virgin.
See the "most" in each of these? That's the true beauty of Western liberalism - we all have the right to lead the life that we want, and some people take radically different paths to the majority. And that's fine with us.

I hope this gave you some insight into the Western mind, and if you have any questions, feel free to leave them below.

Beck Becker's picture
You simply answered all of my

You've simply answered all of my questions . after reading that i don't have any more questions . thank you .

DoctorPC's picture
No problem. :)

No problem. :)
Because of my life situation, I am often finding myself talking with people from very different backgrounds. I'm glad I am getting better at connecting to that different mindset.

Have a nice day!

Nyarlathotep's picture
wow you actually got through

wow you actually got through to him, I'm impressed.

algebe's picture
"Guys, I think you might just

"Guys, I think you might just be stuck in the "rebuttal" mode."

Absolutely. Jo's "questions" are dishonestly disguised proselytizing against 21st century Western values, and they include the most egregiously degrading stereotypes of women ("bitches"). He deserves to have his nose rubbed in it. And he still hasn't explained what his so-called questions have to do with atheism.

DoctorPC's picture
Let me try to defend him here

Let me try to defend him here for a bit. Won't be easy on all fronts, I admit, but I think you are being a little unfair.

Firstly, I think the assumption that one's questions are inherently dishonest is not the right way to go. I think any religious person would find us questioning the existence of God an attack on Him - we mustn't fall to that level. Everything should be questioned, even 21st-century Western values. Those things we can defend are worth keeping, those things that we can't aren't. I think we should be in an understanding on this.

His use of the word "bitches".. might be down to the language barrier. At any rate, I sincerely hope it was not meant in the way that it reads to us English speakers. If it was, I am not even going to try to defend him on that front.

I don't think attacking someone for disagreeing is the right way to go. He can think whatever the hell he wants to, and I am still a firm believer in the right of his nose to maintain a safe distance from 'it', though I would personally have very little interest in any close dealings with such a person.

Finally, while his questions may not seem to be directly tied with atheism, they are clearly connected to a perception of Western _ammoralism_. This is an easy enough mistake to make if one comes from a country that has a very strict code of conduct. Seeing a forum like this might cause one to think that it would be a good place to gain an insight into the minds of those who seem to be bound neither by law nor religion. A place to understand the mystery that is Western society.

We mustn't let this community devolve into a single hive minded block where dissenting voices are suppressed through an intense olfactory exposure to faeces.

(Now, to be very clear, I absolutely do not share his values. I am merely trying to help the underdog here. So please don't claim that I believe in a similar role for women in society as he appears to: I absolutely do not. I merely think that we need to be careful with putting down those who do too forcefully, so long as their only crime is words or having the wrong opinion. Once those words and attitudes turn into actions, it is a different matter.)

Beck Becker's picture
Well , here we called any

Well , here we call any woman that has sex without being married as a bitch .

People here respect sex ... so they're not going through it for fun but for making a family .

If you want have sex for fun go find a bitch and no one going to respect you anymore ( it's illegal ) , if you want have sex to make a family get married and people going to respect you .

The majority get married .

That's the reality here .

BAACKJD's picture
What do they call a man who

What do they call a man who has sex without being married?

Beck Becker's picture
adulterer .

adulterer . also community doesn't respect him .. women not going to marry such a man here .

BAACKJD's picture
Interesting. Thanks for you

Interesting. Thanks for you questions. This thread ended up being very interesting all around.

algebe's picture
"His use of the word "bitches

"His use of the word "bitches".. might be down to the language barrier."

Maybe. I'm a little suspicious about his linguistic background, too. There's too much mixing of broken English with sophisticated idiomatic usage. He reminds me of the stereotypical Arabs you see in movies, such as Jake Blues in the restaurant. ("How much for your women? I want to buy your women. How much for ze little girl?") I wonder if Jo might just be a atheist-baiting troll from somewhere in the U.S. Bible Belt.

DoctorPC's picture
Could be. I find his habit of

Could be. I find his habit of spacing out the punctuation "Sentence like this . Question like this ?" to be against this, though.
Either he is one sophisticated troll, or genuinely from a country where they write like that. I know the French do it, so it could be some old colony of theirs.
'Sophisticated idiomatic usage combined with broken English' could well develop from exposure to English with little or no formal education in the language.
Well, doesn't really matter now. An interesting chap, for sure.

BAACKJD's picture
I like to think shame wouldn

I like to think shame wouldn't be my predominant feeling if I had a child that was a porn star/prostitute. That suggests a kind of ego based selfishness. If ones concern upon learning that their child has taken on a lifestyle that concerns them, they should be just that. Concerned for how these lifestyle choices may affect said child, and absolutely not on how it may reflect on themselves. This would be pure vanity, nothing more.

Rebecca August's picture
Speaking from a woman's point

Speaking from a woman's point of view, I was not experience sexually before I got with my first husband. In my opinion that was a huge mistake. Not that I'm "one too get around", but I missed a crucial time of getting to know myself. It doesn't help that I was very young. My marriage ended and it wasn't because I cheated. It was because he was abusive. I'd like to say my second is any better but I do not like to lie. I'm willing to bet your beliefs come from a culture that drastically needs rethought. Just because you sleep with someone else before marriage doesn't mean a damn thing other than you want to explore sexually. It can feel fantastic if done right and who doesn't want to feel good? If a person is going to cheat it doesn't matter what they have done. It's a personal choice and not a situational one (for the most part).

Beck Becker's picture
i can see that relationships

i can see that relationships in west aren't stable .. that's because premarital sex is allowed. what really ended your marriage is that everyone around has sex without marriage and cheat on each other, actually no one gonna remain in any relationship, i'm sure all of you going to leave your partners seeking for another, not because your partner is bad but because premarital sex is allowed, actually i find west is so wrong in that idea, if you are one person, you should to spend your life with only one partner, that is more stable and respectful. if you doing sex without marriage you'll never find a person that going to spend his life with you, everyone going to change his partner, i find this life lack of laws, not organised and harmful for the society, in the time you think that in the future everyone in the world going to allow sex without marriage, actually marriage going to come back as the only right way that define the relationship between man and woman, sex isn't a game, you should understand that it brings crimes and violence if it's not controlled. there's somthing called jealousy and it's going to destroy you, if you let sex out of control. Myself i see your life in west as a mess in that point .

BAACKJD's picture
You lost me there Jo. You

You lost me there Jo. You can call yourself non-religious all you want, but your opinions are CLEARLY based on dogma. I don't know where to start regarding the amount of speculation you're vomiting out in your post, but allow me to return the favor just the same.

Have you considered the amount of women in the west that leave their husbands because of abuse or infidelity? Can we stop pretending that men in your country don't fuck around on their wives please? Seriously. Have you considered that if perhaps your nations women didn't have to put up with so much shit, the divorce rates in your region may be similar? I realize that legitimate statistics may be hard to come across in your culture, but I feel as if you lack the data to make your claims.

Also, when you say laws, are you actually suggesting that we institute laws against pre-marital sex? If that's what you're suggesting, I've got news for you-you may not be as secular as you'd like to think.

"i can see that relationships in west aren't stable .. that's because premarital sex is allowed."

The leap that you take with this assumption flies far beyond culture and plops right into the tragically fertile ground of anti-intellectualism.

You claim to have taken on a secular perspective, the next stop is a sincere attempt at objectivity.

Beck Becker's picture
"Can we stop pretending that

"Can we stop pretending that men in your country don't fuck around on their wives please? Seriously."

They don't.

"The divorce rates in your region may be similar? "

Do you want to talk about divorce and make a comparison in the time that people in west don't even marry, you should count every relationship that has been broken, out of marriage to find that there's no comparison .

Also, when you say laws, are you actually suggesting that we institute laws against pre-marital sex? If that's what you're suggesting, I've got news for you-you may not be as secular as you'd like to think.

Not because i don't believe in a god, it means that i don't want laws to control our lifes. i believe that premarital sex destroys the society .

algebe's picture
@Jo: "i'm sure all of you

@Jo: "i'm sure all of you going to leave your partners seeking for another, not because your partner is bad but because premarital sex is allowed"

So in your country, premarital sex is not allowed? If a woman engages in premarital sex, do you stone her or burn her? Are you in one of those countries where a woman can be executed for adultery if she's been raped? You sound like that, though I still suspect you might be a troll lurking in Kansas or Utah. Either way, a human relationship is a complex and delicate thing that can't be maintained and strengthened with with rocks, gasoline, fists, or commandments.

You should be aware that a lot of things have changed in the West. We no longer accept that a man can abuse his family at will within his own home. We recognize women as independent human beings with their own rights, including the right to get away from an abusive husband. We no longer condemn women as "sluts" while praising men as "studs" for engaging in exactly the same behavior.

"sex isn't a game"

Funnily enough, I agree with you on that one. During sex we are naked in body and soul, and we are at our most vulnerable. Some people can treat it like a game and be happy. Good luck to them. But I think for most of us, even in the West, it can leave scars if there's no love. We all have desires, and when you try to control them with laws and religion, they get can get twisted in some very unhealthy directions. We saw that in the Victorian era. In the West, we've gone beyond that, and I think we're striving toward a more healthy basis for human relationships: equality, respect, love, humanity, tolerance.

Beck Becker's picture
"If a woman engages in

"If a woman engages in premarital sex, do you stone her or burn her? Are you in one of those countries where a woman can be executed for adultery if she's been raped? You sound like that,"

to understand how i think, let me clarify something here,

in islam the hand of the theif should be cut. Not because islam was written by people, it means that they are wrong on every single detail . they might be right sometimes, they thought that stealing is a crime and the plenty of it, is to cut the hand.
we can change the plenty if we see that it's too much, we can talk about that and have a dicision, but it's not a must to say because islam is fake so stealing is good, comeon people everyone have the right to steal. that would be wrong. stealing still a crime regardless if islam is right or wrong. the same about premarital sex.

We no longer accept that a man can abuse his family at will within his own home. We recognize women as independent human beings with their own rights, including the right to get away from an abusive husband.

Okay , she can choose her husband without family approval. she can get divorced and marry again. but not to have sex without marriage, i have the right as a man to know about my wife's past, how many partners she had, it tells me alot about the person. i can't simply ask her, she might lie .

"We all have desires, and when you try to control them with laws and religion, they get can get twisted in some very unhealthy directions."

Some has desires to kill. laws should control desires when it hurts other people, and making troubles. you can't do what you want because you desire it. you and your partner not living alone in the universe.

Nyarlathotep's picture
jo - i'm sure all of you

jo - i'm sure all of you going to leave your partners

wow, another psychic!

Rebecca August's picture
Well, perhaps what keep your

Well, perhaps what keep your women in line is the fear of bodily harm or murder. Without that I can see why they would run. I mean, someone with such backward thoughts couldn't possible understand anything about sexual relationships other then to stick it in. Maybe you should get of your knees for that god of yours and learn a few things. Something most men, and women, could benefit from.

Beck Becker's picture
You're talking like there's

You're talking like there's nothing called divorce . if you really meant what you wrote, we can simply put laws to protect women against bodily harm or murder. but not to say that marriage is the problem! i'm not with you actually in what you said, don't play this card please.

DoctorPC's picture
Highly conservative views can

Highly conservative views can be borne out of things other than religion. If the man claims to be secular, let us assume that. No matter what he thinks, just saying that still works as a promise not to justify things based on specific scripture.
That should make our job simpler.

Jo, since you are having some trouble making your points clearly, allow me to help. Should at least improve the quality of the debate. If there is anything here you _disagree with_, please correct me immediately. You may also feel free to expand upon any of these points if you want to, but try to keep that separate from any straightforward corrections you want to make.

He has pointed out that it is a logical fallacy to assume a religious value is wrong simply *because* it is religious, something that I think we can accept.

Jo has made clear that he believes in a woman's right to choose their partner, as a right to get away from an abusive husband. Jo does, however, believe that it is important to have official documents detailing her sexual history, as it is important when judging a woman's character. His previous statements about gender neutrality lead me to assume that he is just as convinced that this tracking should be applied to men, too.
(While he hasn't explicitly said that in the case of tracking, if he once says he doesn't hold a double standard, let us mirror the things he forgot to.)

Jo believes that sex, if not restricted to appropriate circumstances, is a tool with a potential for violence. This is achieved through the mechanism "jealousy => hatred => violence".

Because of this great negative potential, but also because of its great positive potential, Jo sees sex as something to be respected and ideally practised only by a couple committed to a permanent relationship, with the only caveats to the permanence being things like divorce rights.

In conclusion:
What we are hearing from Jo is that sex is:
a) a force for jealousy
b) an irresistible desire (especially if one lets it take hold of oneself)
c) something that needs to be respected

Where a) is assumed
Where b) is assumed

Where c) is based on a) and b)

In order to defeat the conclusion c), one must either give a convincing case against the assumptions a) or b), or defeat the implied link between them and the conclusion c).

Beck Becker's picture
I like nodater, although he

i agree with you.

Nyarlathotep's picture
Well I think it is pretty

Well I think it is pretty obvious that b is false.

He has repeatedly told us that once you have sex, you lose all self control. Telling us that we will cheat, and that all of us will leave our spouses.

Beck Becker's picture
that's because the relation

That's because premarital sex is allowed.


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