Something positive for a change.

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biggus dickus's picture
Something positive for a change.

Looks like the majority of the next generation Conservatives say Gays are A OKAY.

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xenoview's picture
Racial and sexual orientation

Racial and sexual orientation are slowly changing in the US. It's the baby boomer and older generations that have problems with minorities and LGBT. When the older people die off, change will happen for progress.

algebe's picture
@Xenoview: "When the older

@Xenoview: "When the older people die off, change will happen for progress."

Right. Once all the old people are dead, the world will be free of irrational prejudices like racism, sexism, homophobia, ageism....

xenoview's picture
Never said it would be free

Never said it would be free of racism, sexism, or homophobia. Most of the older people in the US are republicans, that is wear the drag on progression is at in the US.

algebe's picture
@Xenoview: "Most of the older

@Xenoview: "Most of the older people in the US are republicans"

People's views generally shift as they grow in age and experience. As Churchill (among others) reputedly said, if you're not a socialist at 20 you have no heart. If you're still a socialist at 40 you have no brain.

Pitar's picture
Total fictitious numbers are

Total fictitious numbers are fictitious. Polls are always the least reliable sources of opinion. You just never know how many people were polled, where they live, if their life's exposure is hetero or LGBT sensitized, the kinds of questions asked, if any coercion was present, what their sexual preferences were etc, etc, and ad nauseam etc. The polls do not identify the details, ever. They simply state a poll was taken of so-and-so for a topic and throw out their answers. I mean, 58% of whom? 25 people where 14 were gay and 1 was a switch hitter?

Information from a poll and a couple bucks will get you a typically terrible cup of coffee from Starbucks.

How about we go to Bigotry Central, wherever those places are and there's plenty of them, and run that poll again. Then run it in the LGBT capitols such as Minneapolis/St.Paul, San Francisco, Orlando, etc. Poll equal numbers of people is those one-sided places. Make sure the questions are as objective as they can be and ensure that cultural distinctions and ages are represented accurately. Then jumble the numbers for the percentage break-outs.

That will never happen because the logistics involved to ensure fair and accurate polling takes place is enormous and costly. May as well stay home and toss out a warm and fuzzy opinion instead and, by the lack of measures assessing the legitimacy of most polls (non-partisan judging panels), the pollsters are in effect doing just that.

A co-worker of mine says he's not gay. He says he just sucks cock every so often to remind himself how much he hates it. How would we expect him to vote in a poll if randomly chosen for his age?

biggus dickus's picture
If you say so.

If you say so.

LogicFTW's picture
I always assume in the end

I always assume in the end the slow march of equality will continue on in the long run. We went from freedom of slaves, to better rights for minorities, to better equality for women, to more lgbtq understanding, and as related to this board, more and more culture acceptance of atheist.

While in the short term with Trump and the rise of the right it feels like we are slipping backwards, over the long term we have made a lot of progress, and I am hopeful that trend will continue. I think slowly the issues will shift, instead of a lot of opposition towards homosexuals, it could move on to homosexual couples that choose to have a kid through science instead of the old fashion way. I could see in 100 years the big fuss will be about men choosing to have babies because medical science makes it possible, and fighting over a person's sexual preference could be regulated to only the most extremist people, kind of like how cannibalism is viewed today, as not culturally acceptable by an extreme majority of all people.

biggus dickus's picture
I suspect by 2050 People will

I suspect by 2050 People will view homophobia the same way we view racism.

CyberLN's picture
Based on the commonality of

Based on the commonality of racism today, that would mean homophobia will be alive and active in 30 years.

biggus dickus's picture


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