Stalin ...

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chimp3's picture
They are militant christians,

They are militant christians, don't you feel like you should answer for them?

mykcob4's picture
Why should anyone reply to

Why should anyone reply to trolls?

mykcob4's picture
The big problem with the Op

The big problem with the Op is that the view of christian on this matter is way off. Stalin didn't single out "christians" per se. He targeted "organizations that threatened HIS consolidation of power. The "purge" included military officials and ANY officials that had any control over any significant number of people.
The OP references the League of Militant Atheist. He alleges that Stalin controlled this group and that the group had authority. That is far far from the truth. The League was NOT sanctioned nor controlled by the government. No arrest of christians was made by authority or actions by the League of Militant Atheist. The League was specifically a propaganda mill that printed pamphlets held rallies and spoke out against religion. That's it! That is the full extent of that League. Eventually, the League was even outlawed by the communist government.
These facts are what qualify the op as a pure troll piece.

ThePragmatic's picture
@ towerpillar

@ towerpillar

- "Stalin ...
...because of his atheism he despised religion..."

Objection, your honor! Speculation, argumentative!
The prosecution is speculating and jumping to a predetermined conclusion, without any evidence to support it. Any other possibility is just as likely. For example, that Stalin fought the Church simply because he viewed the Church as a competing force in the quest for total power, i.e. political motivation.

- "That's how....he established "The League of the Militant Godless" as a step in that direction..."

Objection, your honor. Again, just pure speculation. There has been no evidence presented that Stalin formed the "League of Militant Atheists".

Furthermore, your honor, the name of that organisation is a misuse of the word "atheism", especially within the current context. The correct word for an militant organisation would have to be antireligious or anti-theist. A militant atheist, that is... to militantly disbelieve in gods... would at worst only mean that one is prepeared to forcefully declare that there is no god, and by that action possibly hurt the feelings of sensitive believers. Just ordinary freedom of speach, your honor.


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