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TheScientist's picture

I've seen a lot of comments on the AR fb page, and i've seen many people educated only with stereotypes. It's not their fault, I know I stereotype too, who doesn't?

So i'm gonna give a list and i'll say what's the first thing to come to mind when i read the word.
Feel free to add to the list and say your stereotypes about each. That way, we can correct each other's uninformed vision.
Let me start, cause I really want to be corrected.

USA: Loves wars, the boss, majority of citizens are nice, half the population are smart succeful and educated, the other half are dumb and/or deeply religious. And Creationists actually get to tweak science?

Britain: not a country, hot accents, harry potter, tea, emma watson, liberal and cool people

Europe: living their life, technology, very open minded, CERN and the LHC, Science, pretty awesome

Australia: Kangaroos, Sia, very hot, dangerous animals, funny accent, Opera house

Canada: French and English, happy quiet life, doesn't give a shit, Sorry / Pardon

I'm intrested in your Stereotypes of "Arab World" ; "The Gulf" ; "Lebanon" ?

Christians: 2 types: the pro-abortions pro-sex pro-lgbt etc.. liberal who occasionally go to church and they think they're actually christians.
And the one who are the total opposite.

Muslims: The liberal types (tho arguably less liberal than christians), the istaghfara allah type who doesn't like what you're doing but doesn't act, and the barbaric I will kill you type.

Mormons: Morons (no offense - but that's what hits my mind)

Also interested in stereotypes for the word "Allah", for "ISIS", "Buddhism"

Atheists: eat babies
France: baguettes and snails

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Nyarlathotep's picture
Chab - France: baguettes and

Chab - France: baguettes and snails

baguettes and snails are yummy!

chimp3's picture
U.S.A. : Baguettes and snails

U.S.A. : Baguettes and snails are yummy!

algebe's picture
New Zealand: End of the Earth

New Zealand: End of the Earth, long way from everywhere, lots of mountains, lakes, trees, sheep, not many people, safest place in World War III and the Trump presidency
Japan: Cherry blossoms, Mt. Fuji, fast trains, robots, sumo, sushi, busy, busy, busy
Australia: Inflammable trees, snakes, crocodiles, bugs, sandstorms, crazy people who jump of boats to try and lassoo sharks
Buddhism (in Japan): Mumble, mumble, money, money, mumble, more money (Buddishit sutra for the dead)
Atheists: No guilt, no religious taboos, great lovers

SecularSonOfABiscuitEater's picture
I heard there is a big racist

I heard there is a big racist presence in NZ. If I found myself there, could I be confident that I'd be alright ? (being that my skin has x amount of melanin)

Im really asking.

PS I'm a fan of the NZ cricket team.

algebe's picture
@Secular SOB "I heard there

@Secular SOB "I heard there is a big racist presence in NZ."

Australia yes. NZ not so much. There are haters, like there are anywhere. They seem to target Asians in particular. But on the whole I think NZers are pretty much color-blind.

TheScientist's picture
safest place in World War III

safest place in World War III and the Trump presidency

New Zealand, here i come.

jamiebgood1's picture
How do they feel about see

New Zealand
How do they feel about see through people. My kids are soooo white you can see their veins shinning through. Will we be welcomed in or are we hated too. You need more immigrants right?

algebe's picture
@JamieB "My kids are soooo

@JamieB "My kids are soooo white"

Take plenty of sunblock. NZ has very high UV!

jamiebgood1's picture

Yes we would fry. I burned like a lobster in South Africa. Since your head scarf advice I had to show you my turban skills. My last pic was starting to annoy me. This one will soon I'm sure :)

Pitar's picture
In an order that comes to

In an order that comes to mind -

Europe: Lost continent. Afraid to fend for itself (evidence Brexit butt hurt). Fears a German Fourth Reich currently on the rise. Wants lot's of cake and lot's of time and opportunity to eat it. Panty waist men.

America: Stalwart of freedom of expression and little sense to use it effectively. Otherwise, pretty cool digs from sea to shining sea. Lot's of culture contests where an entire population emboldens itself with the courage to express it. World power of primitive minds.

Britain: Pomp. Circumstance. Classiness on steroids and an historical immodesty to prove it. Realized it lost its self-worth in the EU but finally found its pants and is currently slipping into a good pair of hiking boots.

Asia: Burgeoning off-spring of capitalism in the throes of industrialization. Dirty, uncertain, coping. Found that strategic world partners must be bought. Learning quickly.

Middle-East: Who knows, who cares? Dust bowl of unsavory human traits where no one has anything to lose except life itself with a religion that encourages it.

Canada: Who?

Mexico: Who?

Central and South America: No opinion...*snort* all.

Africa: That's where people land when they fall off the edge of the flat earth.

The Polar caps: Places that put the joy in the word tropical.

Australia: An island paradise divided by a desolate continent.

Mother Russia: The country that gives the world a warm and fuzzy knowing America is fully armed and dangerous.

mykcob4's picture
Texas=Pseudomacho bullshit

Texas=Pseudomacho bullshit
Oklahoma= Wants to be Texas
Below the Mason-Dixon Line=Uneducated racist bastards
Utah=Naive brainwashed drones
Australia=Texas with a bad accent
Italy, Spain, Greece=Great places but the people are fucking crazy
Germany= No sense of humor
Scotland=Texas but fucking colder
Mexico=mistrust and resentment
Central South America=Sheep
Arab World=Fragmented
India=Devious and superstitious
Iseral=Arrogant and defensive

Basically, people all over the world are really the same. It doesn't matter what their religion is, their language, their culture, their ethnicity. People have the same needs and desires. The majority of every group is basically stupid and superstitious and easily manipulated.

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