Why conservative Christians support Donald Trump

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Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Kenny

@ Kenny

almost every word is a rant of ridicule and criticism

No, it isn't.

I stated you lied. You did.
I stated your posting was not interesting: it is not.

I did not rant. I suggested you don't behave like a whining 3 year old when your lies are pointed out. And here we are.

Proving my point that you really do not know what you are saying.

fiat124's picture
Terrephon and old man...my

Terrephon and old man...my post intelligence and religion. John Lennox has gone on for 3 pages. I think your post is in there ridicule me.. It seems you disparage others beside me

terraphon's picture
1) You can't even spell my

1) You can't even spell my moniker correctly, even though it's right there.
2) What does "my post intelligence and religion" mean?
3) What kind of grammar is "I think your post is in there ridicule me.."
4) Provide an instance in which I have disparaged someone.

Cognostic's picture
@fiat: Have you considered

@fiat: Have you considered professional help?

DSM IV: Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) is a personality disorder with a long-term pattern with exaggerated feelings of self-importance, excessive need for admiration. Therapy is often difficult, as people with the disorder frequently do not consider themselves to have a problem.

Signs and symptoms:
1, Grandiosity with expectations of superior treatment from other people
2. Fixation on fantasies of power, success, intelligence, attractiveness, etc.
3. Self-perception of being unique, superior, and associated with high-status people and institutions
4. Need for continual admiration from others
5. Sense of entitlement to special treatment and to obedience from others
6. Exploitation of others to achieve personal gain
7. Unwillingness to empathize with the feelings, wishes, and needs of other people
8. Intense envy of others, and the belief that others are equally envious of them
9, Pompous and arrogant demeanor

terraphon's picture
DSM IV: Narcissistic

DSM IV: Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) is a personality disorder with a long-term pattern with exaggerated feelings of self-importance, excessive need for admiration. Therapy is often difficult, as people with the disorder frequently do not consider themselves to have a problem.

Signs and symptoms:
1, Grandiosity with expectations of superior treatment from other people
2. Fixation on fantasies of power, success, intelligence, attractiveness, etc.
3. Self-perception of being unique, superior, and associated with high-status people and institutions
4. Need for continual admiration from others
5. Sense of entitlement to special treatment and to obedience from others
6. Exploitation of others to achieve personal gain
7. Unwillingness to empathize with the feelings, wishes, and needs of other people
8. Intense envy of others, and the belief that others are equally envious of them
9, Pompous and arrogant demeanor

Uh oh...I might have a problem, here...

Tin-Man's picture
@Terraphon Re: "Uh oh...I

@Terraphon Re: "Uh oh...I might have a problem, here..."

Most certainly not, good man. Because if you DID actually have a problem, then you would not have been able to make that statement suggesting you MIGHT have a problem. Congratulations! You just cured yourself.... (Well, that is to say, IF you actually had a problem to cure in the first place.)

Randomhero1982's picture
How typical of a theist

How typical of a theist wanting special treatment from having their thoughts or ideology subject to ridicule, when they spout utter bollocks.

Welcome to the world of an atheist.

arakish's picture
Dang y'awl. I'd've thought y

Dang y'awl. I'd've thought y'awl would've left at the "Who gives a damn?" I posted. I have stopped feeding fiat's desire for attention before s/he quietly slinkies off to post another thread.


Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Arakish

@ Arakish

I dunno, bored, I guess, and sometimes poking a fuktard with a big ol' fukstick is just plain fun.

Oh, Kenny? That is fucking ridicule....

comoke1024's picture
@arakish, watching this guy

@arakish, watching this guy go down in flames is more entertaining than Judge Judy :D

toto974's picture


I know it is frustrating. I have posted next to nothing these days because the OPs and their posters are not interesting.

dogalmighty's picture
Why? Stupidity.



arakish's picture
LMAOWF. I knew that would

LMAOWF. I knew that would stir it up some more.



In Spirit's picture
Evangelicals, Conservative

Evangelicals, Conservative Christians or whatever faith based name you want to call them will vote for whomever their spiritual leaders tell them to vote for. It's that simple.

Having him referred to as the prophetic King Cyrus only adds to his popularity vote. Tell them he is the chosen one and they will vote him in.

Point out his ungodly ways and they go deaf, dumb and blind.

Am I missing something?

Sheldon's picture
Theists possess an impressive

Theists possess an impressive ability to manage cognitive dissonance, most delusional people do. They also seem to be irony impaired, favour republican conservatives over democrats, and think that lowering taxes will eventually solve any problem.

Rich people tend to want to stay rich, and powerful people tend to want to hang on to power.

I'm not sure that fiat understands what an "interesting question" is either.

Asking why Republicans vote Republican doesn't set my world on its side if I'm honest.

Up To My Neck's picture
As stated here before, I am a

As stated here before, I am a North Carolina resident. Have been all my life. Lots of religious folks I have had conversations with vote republican because in their words “ Democrats are for abortion and against prayer in school or in public”. I know first hand of preachers urging their congregation to vote republican. I cannot speak to the percent that does, but it is heavily suggested. I could spend a day here telling you guys some of the shit I’ve heard come out of a church. It’s not good either.

LogicFTW's picture
@OP by fiat

@OP by fiat

I did not read through all the replies so there is a chance I am repeating what others have said here.

Why do many conservative christians vote for trump? Well I am sure the answer gets complicated and incredibly personalized from one christian voter to the next but I imagine some general themes could be picked out.

First: many years ago, (before I was born anyways,) the republican platform strategy was: "god guns and gays" you can even hear very high level republicans talking about this via recordings. So a party that organizes itself around "god" is going to attract people that vote based on their god beliefs.

Also under the "god" part of "god guns and gays" falls abortion, the republican party greatests source of reliable votes.these single issue voters are the bread and butter that the conservative oriented republican party survives on. If somehow democrats claimed the anti abortion vote, it is likely republicans would die as a party not winning much of anything without the boost from the single issue voters voting on abortion.

Additionally, this single issue helps bend people to "buy in" on most of the rest of the party's agenda. They may have started off voting simply on the abortion issue, but then adopted other platform ideals that makes sense to them, like the promise of lower taxes, smaller government etc. (which actually never happens, just like the abortion issue, only slight tweaks are made, but the overall setup remains mostly the same except to the super rich naturally!)

Now this is not one long bash just on republicans or conservative christians, the democratic party is guilty of their own bullshit too. Both parties ultimately cater to the extremely rich and powerful where the other 99% of us are just fed scraps off the table. The amount of wealth in the US is simply incredible staggering amounts, but just about all of it is in the hands of very few. Even if Bernie Sanders got elected president in 2020, I expect the needle to barely budge on these issues. Just like it has barely moved with the other extreme end, Trump. (I will argue trump is way more extreme then bernie sanders however.)



I am an atheist that always likes a good debate
Please include @LogicFTW for responses to me
Tips on forum use. ▮ A.R. Member since 2016.

stuffin's picture
Agree with your statement, I

Agree with your statement, I would like to add: It's all about the Judiciary. The Trump Administration and Republican Senate are filling the lower courts as fast as they can with judges recommended by the Federalist Society. Also Trump has appointed two Supreme Court Justices (Federalist Society Justices) who will twist/bend words and ideologies to reverse Roe vs Wade.


A secondary rationale for conservative Christians to vote for Trump: They believe in the end of times, or The Rapture. They are certain Trump is setting things up to bring about the end of times. The second coming of Jesus. The move of the US Embassy to Jerusalem was viewed as a big step in that direction.

Without going real deep into this stuff, those are the two basic rationales for Conservative Christians voting for Trump. Out of all his campaign promises the judge thing has been his most successful.

LogicFTW's picture


Hey stuffin, have not seen you around here before, but I was mostly MIA the last 2-3 weeks. If you joined then welcome to the boards!

Absolutely agree about filling up the courts with conservative, federalist society justices. While SCOTUS gets all the media coverage, it is happening nationwide in all the lower courts as well.

I also agree they will continue to bend and reverse roe v wade, but I doubt they will out right remove it, as it would kill their golden egg laying goose of free one issue voters. The abortion issue is still the perfect platform for the rich to maintain control as this is a law that does not affect the rich in the slightest (they can just fly to another country on vacation if need be.) But Roe v Wade's existence gets people to vote on a single issue that GoP has been paying lip service to for decades getting free voters that will ignore just about anything (as evidenced by tRump.)

On the 2nd part, rapture, this is a scary outcome that I also agree with. Except I think it is more pervasive and damaging then people realize, it gives people "permission" to not worry about exploding debt, decline of US social services among other things and most of all not worry about climate change, because "rapture is coming soon anyways!"

Scary stuff and all of it relies on people losing the ability to think critically and actually examine real evidence, instead of listening to sound bytes from their favorite news organizations that have their own agendas (mainly keeping the very rich and powerful to stay in power even as the US declines greatly.)

NameRemovedByMod's picture
Actually you are not to far

Actually you are not to far off. It is like a question I have wondered,much to the dislike of members here. Why would an atheist vote for a republican, (who are basically radical, extreme domestic terrorists, racists, god loving hypocrites)?

Evangelicals will always vote for anyone put on the ticket as they are in fear of any Democrat holding office as it threatens their core beliefs. They believe that they have the right to control women's bodies, people's sexual orientation, give all the tax breaks to the top corporations, start needless wars, support wall street and fuck main street, kill immigrants, take away food programs, healthcare, assistance for the poor and homeless, pollute the environment, discriminate against anyone they deem not right, athiests, LBGT people, people of color and much more.

Most importantly they love to violate the separation of church and state and preach from the pulpit that Y'all must vote republican or burn in hell!

They are a rotten, disgusting bunch of creatons who are without any value as human beings! Hope that helps!

stuffin's picture
Hi Logic,

Hi Logic,

Yes I'm new, been here for a few weeks. Intriguing your take that they don't want R vs W overturned completely. It makes tremendous sense when you see it that way. They really don't have anything other than abortion and bigotry towards other religions and races. Amazing how these so friendly loving people on the outside are nothing more than hardened bigots on the inside. Tribe Mentality at its best.

You and thelargerbowl point out the hypocrisy and cognitive dissonance of these conservatives, they keep all their doors and window shut. The upper ( mostly white) ruling class love this and hate people who can think independently.

The Rapture = Nothing Really Matters

LogicFTW's picture


Intriguing your take that they don't want R vs W overturned completely. It makes tremendous sense when you see it that way.

Yep, makes even more sense when you realize this is not the first time in the last 40 years that scotus has has a conservative majority, as well as a GoP control of all levels of the government. Typically they will make small adjustments as "meat" to their base, but say they are "blocked" somehow from doing roe v wade now. Even now, new justice Kavanaugh has been in for quite a few months now, and still Roe v Wade stands, heck its not even on their docket for issues to look at.

The Rapture = Nothing Really Matters

Which is really friggen scary these people cannot be rationalized with, debated with or really anything. It would be like trying to debate a hungry bengal tiger in the middle of wilderness when you have nothing to protect yourself with.



I am an atheist that always likes a good debate
Please include @LogicFTW for responses to me
Tips on forum use. ▮ A.R. Member since 2016.


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