Here are some of my suggestions

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Michee's picture
Here are some of my suggestions

Here are some of my suggestions :
A delete/edit button.
More options with religions. i want to be refer to anti-theist
A short description right next to our beliefs.
A section where we can share our own personal stories

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Ellie Harris's picture
1) I'll check on the delete

1) I'll check on the delete edit button
2) What do you mean signatures & for what?
3) There are thousands of religions and
sects. For the purposes of this site no additional description of your lack of belief is need. You can easily inform us of this in your comments.
4) You can share your personal stories in the Hub.
5) I'll ask about the emojis.
sects so no.

Ellie Harris's picture
The edit/delete function may

The edit/delete function may return later but for now will be unavailable. The emoji idea is under consideration.

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danialberko's picture
I doubt these are safe! I had

I doubt these are safe! I had a dream about lots of spiders last night, which means bad fortune. Here's the interpretation:

Faraon23's picture
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ищите самое лучшее казино с мгновенными выплатами? Привет. Советовать тебе какое-то конкретно казино я не могу, но могу посоветовать сайт на котором вам объяснят как определить казино с мгновенными выплатами, варианты быстрой оплаты, про криптовалюту, электронные кошельки и так далее. Я сам ознакамливался со всей этой темой на этом сайте и хочу поделиться своими знаниями с кем то

quoteupstage's picture
Thousands of faiths and sects

Thousands of faiths and sects exist. For the purposes of drift hunters this website, no more explanation of your lack of faith is required. You may advise us of this simply in your comments.

carlwelch's picture
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Hello! I am looking for someone who can do my discussion post for me. I hate doing my homework and will be glad to find some help.

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JHONE32's picture
I see this is an old thread.

I see this is an old thread. I like to share my impressions about the books I read and listen to other people's opinions about the same work gst

JHONE32's picture
I see this is an old thread.

I see this is an old thread. I like to share my impressions about the books I read and listen to other people's opinions about the same work here

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